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Shockwave 95 error at startup [SOLVED!!]

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Just patch original "Generals Zero Hour" to fix this issue






How come all my buildings blows up after 10 to 15 seconds in battle.

That just ruined my 723 win streak.


just to your information, I am NOT using cracks or anything.

Ill gladly post a pic of my CD to proove it.




damn... just reinstalled ZH and installed the Shockwave 95 again.


now this **** pups up.




wtf is that supposed to mean?

I just played it before reinstalling?


I have NO virusses trojans or anything.

My PC by far exceeds the minum requirements and does NOT overheat.


someone please!

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Guest Spartan-117²

you know its only a beta. it still has problems.


that has happened to me when I Exit a game not anytime else.


some causes

Conflicting Mod

The Zero Hour

more i didnt list


try re-installing Zero Hour or check the moddb site for solutions

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Strange, I never had it happen to me using that version. It's probably cause I have XP though. Although it could also be a conflicting mod like C&C All Stars or VGO.

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hrrrmm... overheated software...


Okay, here's some stuff you can do:

- Restart the computer if you didn't already

- Uninstall Shockwave, Zero Hour and completely remove the folder. Then reinstall ZH and SW.

- Update drivers n stuff

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overheated software my *** ...

we are talkin "Dell" here :wink:


fixed the problem long ago. I just needed a patch for ZH..

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Heh, dell computers have so many fans, airflows and whatnot, overheating is not in their dictionary. Though I probably would be saying this about any other brand if I had an other computer which worked perfectly.

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yeah.. and the mod is fantastic!

So if this error pups up just patch original ZH!

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Guest Spartan-117²

Ok, Ill patch it.. it seems like you have vista and I do too and I thought that was the problem...

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Ok, Ill patch it.. it seems like you have vista and I do too and I thought that was the problem...

Any ideas on why we couldn't play online?

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Guest Spartan-117²

You have the TFD and I have the regular one... I collected every one of the C&Cs but renagade and tiberium wars

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A thing I could do is install the games from the original discs... I may be doing that this weekend

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