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About danpaul88

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  1. Indeed, we fully expected to have access to BHP resources removed, that much was obvious. We expected such hostility from the server hosting provider (one of the primary reasons for us leaving the community) but not from the actual APB development team itself. Also, posting random stuff from private forums without the associated context from the teamspeak discussions etc doesn't really do anyone any favours. If you really want to go about airing dirty laundry I'm sure we could accomodate you and reciprocate, but I really don't think it's in anyones best interests.
  2. In case you've forgotten, I gave you access to the SVN which hosted the code years ago, although to my knowledge you never did anything with that access. Perhaps we were somewhat naive in this, but out expectation was that we would be able to work with BHP to continue to provide a unifed launcher for all W3D players rather than forcing people into running two different launchers to play different games. Clearly that isn't how things have since played out, but that was our original intent. We simply didn't anticipate the level of hostility we've seen from BHP. Regardless, what's done is done and it's time to move on and develop our respective games. That's what we're doing at W3D Hub and I hope you can do the same.
  3. You realise that nobody in BHP has written a single line of code for the launcher they are currently using? I wrote the entire codebase (including the PHP code for the server side) myself and when we launched W3D Hub I rebranded it for our new community. If anyone should be "writing the code for their own launcher" it should be BHP, although I have not and do not intend to imply that they are not welcome to continue using the launcher I provided for them. The fact that you didn't even know this shows how little you actually understand of the situation. Maybe you should try reading both sides of the story before jumping on a bandwagon? Anyhow, I'm not here to start a debate with anyone, I'm just clearing up one of many oft-overlooked facts in this matter.