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Everything posted by Inferno

  1. I don't like it, because it could very well turn out much worse. I could end up having to choose paying more money than I normally would or having inferior and/or limited content. If the restrictions on play are purely cosmetic, then I see no reason this could turn out to be a bad thing, not counting the fact that SP will either not be included or done half arsed.
  2. I can read, I just made a ****ing mistake.
  3. Inferno

    Video of the day

    I already saw both of those. I want part 3 ):<
  4. Inferno

    2012 - The Olympics

    The closing ceremony was epic, too. Much better than Bejing. Also, LEDs in the chairs was a ****ing brilliant idea.
  5. Inferno

    Now Playing - Games

  6. I'd rather have the forums dead than have topics of **** quality. Keep the useless stuff in the shoutbox, where it's supposed to be.
  7. Any video with EA hate is bound to get lots of views. That's the gaming community for ya.
  8. And how the hell does it make sense that SPers can not have a community? I'm beginning to doubt the existence of a functional brain with this one.
  9. I feel this man has a bit of a superiority complex.
  10. Impossible demands? I'd be fine with another RA3-esque title. But EA insists on changing the game.
  11. The move is fine as long as there's solid SP content.
  12. There can never be enough tank spam!
  13. Inferno

    Now Playing - Music

  14. Inferno

    2012 - The Olympics

    6/6/8 for the Netherlands. Not bad, I suppose.
  15. Inferno

    C&C in Minecraft!

    I honestly don't even give half a **** why people do this, or where they find the time to do it, it's just a bit of awesome. Stop making things unnecessarily complicated.
  16. Inferno


    I tried Umagon, but ended up with the Pyro
  17. Inferno

    Pic of the Day

    Nicki is away from everything, as far as I'm concerned
  18. Inferno

    Pic of the Day

    I know you kiwis are pretty far from civilization, but this just takes the cake.
  19. Inferno

    Now Playing - Games

    That game is boss. Smashing stuff just rocks.
  20. Inferno

    Medieval RTS Games

    Well, I suppose you could look into Empire Earth, which is pretty much of all time periods ;o
  21. Sooo.... what can we put in there....? Define "status update".