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The CNC Minecraft team have done it again, with a complete 1:1 scale remake of the Islands map from C&C Renegade. They say its a bit of a tribute to Renegade X. Check it out in the video below. You can try this for yourself, visit the CNC Minecraft site for the download.
Its amazing what people do with Minecraft these days. Here's a video of the "Soviet March" song from Red Alert 3 recreated with command blocks in Minecraft. Thanks to CNC Minecraft for the tip.
The CNC Minecraft team reports that a Tiberian Sun texture pack is in the works. Its being created by Squid, one of their friends. It's currently a work in progress, check out the video below. There is also a preview screenshot available to view.
RainXc, the creator of CNC Minecraft, has posted an amazing Minecraft creation featuring Red Alert 2. Modeled after the first Allied mission, the build is a perfect copy of the entire map, minus the Allied and Soviet structures. If you have Minecraft, you can walk around the entire map, and see what the city is like from Tanya's point of view. To check out some more pictures and information, or to simply download the map for your own enjoyment, check out the page here.
The CNC Minecraft team has released a new Red Alert 3 texture pack for the tremendously popular Minecraft. It's approximately 90% complete, but there are still some items that need to be finished, like armour. All of the blocks have been done, though. This texture pack will be updated when Minecraft 1.7 is released. Visit the CNC Minecraft site for the download.
CNC Minecraft, in collaboration with the team from Bluehell Productions, has created and released their Red Alert 2 Soviet Buildings Bundle for Minecraft. All of your favourites are there, including the Tesla Coil, complete with lighting! These were created using the Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising models as a reference to produce accurate Minecraft versions. Click here for the download.
The creative CNC Minecraft team have been interview by socialPHROPHET on YouTube. The interview is somewhat unprofessional and informal, but then again, that was probably intentional. If you're into Command & Conquer and all things Minecraft, this may be of some interest to you.... Don't forget to check out CNC Minecraft on Facebook or visit their official site.
The CNC Minecraft team has announced its one year anniversary contest. Your goal is to build anything related to the Command & Conquer series such as buildings or vehicles on the provided starter map for Minecraft. The main prize up for grabs is all 17 Command & Conquer games! Click here for the contest page that explains the rules and how to submit your entry.
A couple of weeks ago, we posted some news about the Nod Redeemer and the GDI M.A.R.V Epic Units being made for Minecraft. Well, the CNC Minecraft team has completed all three of them with the addition of the Scrin Eradicator Hexapod. Check out more images and get the download right here.
The CNC Minecraft team has created two of the three Epic Units from Kane's Wrath for Minecraft. Check out the The Redeemer and the M.A.R.V. We can only wonder if the the Scrin Eradicator Hexapod is next. Visit the CNC Minecraft site to get these creations and see more of their work.
CNC Minecraft have released their GLA Army Bundle. It includes all your favourite GLA units and structures from the original C&C Generals. Check out the preview below. Click here for the download links.
Remember when we featured the C&C Generals Project for Minecraft? The project got much larger - there are three people working on it: Snowy007, Titan304 and our former news updater RainXc. They've been making Red Alert 2, Generals and even some Tiberium units and buildings. There is also a C&C Generals server for Minecraft at the IP address visible in the first image. Here is some of their work: ' rel='lightbox'> ' rel='lightbox'> Click here to visit their blog, where you can see and download their work.
I don't see what the big deal is about Minecraft, but I do like seeing creative things in our community, like this, for example. In this thread on the CNC Maps Forums, snowy007 has been recreating the world of Command & Conquer Generals in Minecraft. Some screen shots showing the USA Command Center, Barracks, Fusion Reactor and Airfield have been posted. ' rel='lightbox'> ' rel='lightbox'> Follow the progress of this project right here.