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About Plok

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    C&C encyclopedia wannabe

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    Split, Croatia
  • Interests
    Gaming, modding, drawing, being lazy as hell

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  1. Get GenPatcher to resolve most issues related to the actual files: http://legi.cc/downloads/genpatcher/ After that, all you can do is make sure your connection and your opponents' connections are as stable as they can be.
  2. A new and very detailed interview with Louis Castle has just been published. As part of the Titans of the Industry series, Alex Mejia of Human Interact sat down with Westwood's co-founder to talk about pretty much everything - early days with SSI, Dune, The Lion King, Monopoly, Command & Conquer, Blade Runner, move to EALA, details of how the studio worked with the technical limitations of the time, behind-the-scenes business circumstances, his perspective on what is important in game development... the works. This is a must-watch for anyone interested in his work or just the gaming industry.
  3. C&C Attack Copter was shut down from Pogo.com 14 years ago. No archive was made.
  4. Even with EA doubling down on releasing their back catalogue on more digital storefronts, this news came out of left field: Tiberium Alliances, the browser game from 2012 most of us tend to even forget exists, received a Steam page. The game whose servers have outlived many core titles over the years apparently has enough of a playerbase to warrant a proper PC frontend. The release date is not yet known, nor whether a Steam account will be enough to connect or will it still depend on EA accounts.
  5. Patches for C&C: Remastered Collection continue surprising us, but the changes are welcome nonetheless. This is another smaller service update which fixes crashes on Intel drivers, proper GPU detection, maximum framerate limits and tooltips. Here's the official changelog:
  6. Another year has passed. And another year we've been online. People come and go - more so in other spaces than here, mind - but ultimately there is always an ongoing interest in the franchise, no matter how small it may seem. This spring's Steam release of older Command & Conquer games brought some new buzz, and an additional incentive for community projects to go on. Thanks to sites like SteamDB, there's now a tangible and surprisingly consistent number of players to point towards and say - it's worth keeping the lights on for them. While this site is mostly an archive of old files, news and discussions at this point (surprisingly even to me, people still make use of it as such), I am confident that no matter what happens, the players and the tool/mod creators will keep the series alive long into the future.
  7. The SAGE Engine modding crowd might know: https://discord.gg/TfdcQTn
  8. The Worldbuilder has issues with present-day systems. You can apply the 4 GB patch on it: https://ntcore.com/4gb-patch/ Or, if you're not comfortable with that, go to View -> Set LOD (last option in the list) -> Very Low or Low.
  9. Moments ago, the Steam and EA App versions of Command & Conquer: The Ultimate Collection received a hotfix, specifically the 2D titles in the compilation. While a major patch is being developed, this hotfix was pushed forward after recent Windows Insider builds had broken compatibility with the games as they were thus far. Thankfully, the DDrawCompat build 0.5.3 was made about a month ago which, among else, fixed these issues. Below is the official announcement: To apply the patch, simply allow Steam/EA App to auto-update the games.
  10. Plok

    No ipadress shown in Settings

    Pretty odd. In GenPatcher, press F8 and send the text it generates to Legionnaire so he can see what's up: http://legi.cc/faq/#how-can-i-contact-you
  11. Plok

    No ipadress shown in Settings

    Please also check in GenPatcher's "Playing Online" tab that the "Hide IP..." option is turned OFF.
  12. Plok

    No ipadress shown in Settings

    You can just Google "what is my IP" If you're trying to use a closed-off LAN, the only other thing that I can think of is a firewall/antivirus blocking the game on your computer specifically. Go through Legi's checklist as well: https://legi.cc/bugs/
  13. Plok

    No ipadress shown in Settings

    Check if your ISP is giving you an IPv6 address instead of an IPv4.
  14. If you mean the patched launchers, they are currently obsolete. Last month's update changed too much for them to be viable still. They are also completely useless for the Steam versions because Steam never used those launchers. To revert the games to a usable state, verify the files from EA App or Steam (whichever you choose to keep) and only apply the individual community fixes (GenPatcher/GenTool for Generals and Zero Hour, CnCNet patches for the older games etc.).
  15. Plok

    Been a few years

    I legitimately forgot about that. Some things are better left out of one's mind... *shudders*