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Marine Sniper

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About Marine Sniper

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  1. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    The question is NOT who did you win with? But HOW did you win? Go into some detail.
  2. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Well, it's because beating the Tigress is frustrating, and so many responses in this thread are too vague. Or worse, sarcastic.
  3. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    It's the TIGRESS!! That is, unless you have a bootleg version or something.
  4. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    by the way, which GLA general did you use?
  5. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    So you've beat her with GLA, wow. I really didn't know if that was possible. I've only tried it with the laser general, and succeeded. Everyone else in the last month has only posted theories. I was able to beat her with the laser general as described on page 2, but only after saving it about every minute, because that air attack is SWARMING. Personally, I've found the GLA too difficult to get really good at, because you have to really just create so many units, it's difficult to actually control them. But I'll bet those air defense vehicles are pretty nice against the Tigress!
  6. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Have you successfully won using stealths and raptors with the laser general?? Answer me that! I wasn't talking about the laser general... just USA in general. And those are just for early expansion, not for long term attack/defense. See, that's what I'm saying, there are multiple elements to it, and any one of a specific element can be overlooked leading to no chance of victory unless everything is put together properly for a specific strategy. I was hoping someone could be as detailed as I was on page 2 for how to win with other generals against the Tigress.
  7. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    So you've beat her with GLA, wow. I really didn't know if that was possible. I've only tried it with the laser general, and succeeded. Everyone else in the last month has only posted theories. I was able to beat her with the laser general as described on page 2, but only after saving it about every minute, because that air attack is SWARMING. Personally, I've found the GLA too difficult to get really good at, because you have to really just create so many units, it's difficult to actually control them. But I'll bet those air defense vehicles are pretty nice against the Tigress!
  8. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Yes, but you can't quite say you've beat the Tigress doing it, can you??!! Because, with the laser general, you cannot use tomahawks, they are not allowed with the laser general. C'mon!!!
  9. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Why do you care? It ups your post count every time you respond! And just a note, stealths and raptors won't work with the laser general, they cost too much to replace, and draw too much funds to successfully win it with that strategy. Have you successfully won using stealths and raptors with the laser general?? Answer me that!
  10. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    See, here's where I doubt that you've used the laser tanks tactic at all. They are not defensible by the air, which the Tigress swarms air attacks at you constantly. Without about 4 @$1500 per air defense vehicles, the laser general has no chance to advance with a party of ground units and make any headway against the Tigress. It costs too much money to sustain mobile ground units against the Tigress, I've had no success to give the slightest hope to that strategy. That's why I doubt you've done it as you described.
  11. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Annoying is one way to put it. When the difficulty of the generals challenge is increased, it forces a very narrow strategy to victory. There are not multiple ways to beat the Tigress, very few strategies will succeed. Balance is very important, and a specific building sequence is vital.
  12. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Seriously, one element that is necessary to defeat the Tigress when using generals other than the laser general is to seal off the most frequent enemy entry point with multiple defenses. It is impossible to use only units and have enough income to build enough forces to ultimately win the war. However, a small party made up of several types of units is necessary to defeat enemies that sit just outside the range of your defenses and pick them off slowly, one by one. Defeating that tactic is vital to building a successful base.
  13. Marine Sniper

    Didn't ANYBODY like Generals?

    It's nice to have units that are pretty close to what modern day weapons the U.S. has, except for the particle cannon, of course. I like the Generals edition, it is a good game. In fact, I'm going to play it again, right now.
  14. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Well, how did you defend your base while you were building the airbases? How did you capture enough territory to build those bases? Did you play the Tigress on Brutal level or easy level?
  15. Marine Sniper

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    You guys are being ridiculous. I posted something on page 2 that actually DESCRIBES how to beat the Tigress. Once sarcastic sentence simply isn't going to help anyone. Maybe there's a CNC Generals newbie who is stuck against the Tigress with someone other than the laser general who needs help. Any real help you have would be really appreciated, I'm sure.