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About CommanderGerman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  • Birthday 15/04/1993

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  1. CommanderGerman

    Invalid Serial Key

    I installed RA3 on my computer a little over a month ago and on my brother's computer. When we tried to do multiplayer, it said CD key is the same so we weren't allowed to play together. I just thought, 'Oh well, no problem. I'll just re-install the game with a different key. Now, it's saying serial key invalid whenever I try to go online, but I can still play single-player. If the serial key was invalid though, then why did it install at all? How can I fix this? I'm guessing I just need a different key. Maybe the one I tried was messed up. Could someone maybe tell me a different key or a solution? Please help!
  2. CommanderGerman

    Favourite RA3/Uprising Unit!

    Shogun Executioner
  3. CommanderGerman

    RA3 System Requirements

    Um...I noticed Windows 7's not on the list of supported OSs, but it's not on the list of unsupported either. Does anyone know if it will work on 7? The computer my brother uses is still XP so it shouldn't be a problem for him, but mine is Windows 7. Also, when downloaded, it says, "Please insert the CD". This makes no sense, because it's downloaded. Has anyone else downloaded games from Amazon before that could explain how to do this?
  4. CommanderGerman

    RA3 System Requirements

    How much free hard drive space do I need to install ? Also, will a laptop with the following specs be able to play it well? Dell Inspiron N5030 3 GB RAM Intel Pentium (2.3 GHz) Also, do I need multiple CDs to do multiplayer...or maybe I should say multiple files, because I'm downloading it from Amazon. Ok, last question. I am downloading it as a birthday present for my brother. Since it's a program on the computer, I can't exactly wrap it up, so how would you suggest I give it to him? I want to do something creative.
  5. Whenever I start , it gives me an error. Why? I'm sure this computer's fast enough to run it. Please don't just say to re-install the game, because I've done that three times already.
  6. How do I put it in a mix file?
  7. CommanderGerman

    New Countries?

    I've got another question. How many new countries can I add? All NPatch said was "You can add over ten new countries to the game".
  8. I'm talking about the screen it shows while the whole game is loading, not just one of the battles.
  9. CommanderGerman

    new radar screen?

    but I want it on the Soviet side, just diffirent screen. Is that possible?
  10. CommanderGerman

    Argh! theres other Enemies too

    Are you talking about or ?
  11. CommanderGerman

    Favourite RA 2/ YR Unit!

    Yes, it would be cheaper. 2 seals = $2000. 1 seal and 1 tanya = $2500
  12. CommanderGerman

    Please help with English homework

    In case you didn't notice, I said that should be enough. I already turned the assignment in.
  13. CommanderGerman

    New Countries?

    Ok, thanks. I have another question though. Can I not add new countries to Yuri's side? I tried and when I tested it it said "you have lost."
  14. CommanderGerman

    New Countries?

    I was just coming to this topic to say I figured it out. It's ReqiredHouses. Thanks anyway. What's the difference between RequiredHouses= and Owner=?
  15. CommanderGerman

    Please help with English homework

    Ok, that should be enough. Thanks everybody.