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About Helge129

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  1. Np, and thanks. I'll be posting a lots of stuff during the rest of this week and probably the full next week too.
  2. Correction: Only the Orca Fighter was made by Keksz. The rest were made by me
  3. Helge129

    New Tiberium Essence Nod Units

    Nod isn't about bringing lumbering mountains of death, that's GDI. Nod is more of a sneaky faction.
  4. Helge129

    New Tiberium Essence Nod Units

    Such as? My stuff follows mostly TS-Nod style. Actually it follows entirely the TS-Nod Style, other than the Avatar, which still follows basic Nod design principles.
  5. Helge129

    New Tiberium Essence Nod Units

    I'm not really a fan of the new models. My general carelessness for TE aside, Carnius went 180 degrees against Nod's design doctrines with these models. They are heavy and bulky. Nod units are supposed to be sleek and light, almost fragile at times.
  6. Helge129

    2011 Mod & Indie of the Year Awards

    I'd apreciate every vote for Tiberian Apocalypse: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-apocalypse
  7. It's still just lonely me working on it, no team But I will take it as compliment that my work seems to be at a level of quality that gives the impression of being a team's work.
  8. I'm sorry to dissapoint, there seems to be no way to determine wether it's loaded with blue or green Tiberium for the relevant modules for a bombtruck :/
  9. Well, I try to do my best
  10. Helge129

    New C&C: Untitled Air Force Weapons

    To be blunt, we really don't give a damn about RL Designations and affilations. We're giving the laser general a one-engine Rafale with a Laser.
  11. But auto-grenade launchers contain 6 grenades at once D:
  12. You could consider it that I guess, but it doesn't make sense to have a soldier specialized in throwing grenades use his hands to do so. What do auto-grenadelaunchers exist for?
  13. Helge129

    Tiberian Apocalypse Avatar Update

    Plasma fire has always been green, for Nod anyway. In TS the Banshees and the Commando fired green balls
  14. Helge129

    Tiberian Apocalypse Avatar Update

    They are plasma cannons