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About GeneralAnthrax101

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  1. GeneralAnthrax101

    Having a team go into formation upon spawn

    Nevermind this thread, I found a way to do so. For anyone who wants to know how, setup the group of units you want to keep pace with their fellows into a team, then when you have them go to a waypoint or path, have "go as a team" set to TRUE. It was right infront of me and I didn't notice.
  2. So I don't know if I am asking the right question, but is there a way for a team to go through a way point path as a formation? I ask because I want the members of this team to maintain pace with each other, going as slow as the slowest of the group. A bit similar to the massive retreat the USA was having in the one Generals mission (which I may check out to see if I can get an answer there). Thanks.
  3. GeneralAnthrax101

    Shellmap Creation

    Well, I found a way to open up Zero Hour and look at the shellmap as reference, like the scripts and stuff. Thanks for any help, I guess...
  4. GeneralAnthrax101

    Shellmap Creation

    So I am learning about the waypoints and how to make them work, while setting up the scene. I would still like to know how (when I am finished) to make the game use my shellmap instead?
  5. GeneralAnthrax101

    Shellmap Creation

    Asking how to create a shellmap. I have seen quite a bit of them, not to watching the vanilla ones so many times and seeing them play out. I have never used World Builder, not even sure if it's the one to use, but I am really interested in creating my own shellmap to test out my creativity for Generals. If there is a tutorial on how to create a simple one so I can work my way into a complex one, I'd appreciate it if it was linked or something. Thanks.
  6. GeneralAnthrax101

    Zero Hour (Serious Error)

    Fixed it! I redid the step on doing the options.ini step and I set the "Save as type: All Files", so now I tried to open ZH again and it successfully launched to the menu, found all my graphics settings set up all the way up, no texture problems, shellmap moving as expected! I may have mis-read the step posted awhile ago...well, either way, that's how I fixed it. Thank you, Plokite Wolf for your assistance, I appreciate it.
  7. GeneralAnthrax101

    Zero Hour (Serious Error)

    I apologize for not adding in this: I have ran the game as an administrator, which is one of the first troubleshooting things I do whenever it acts like this, I also saw that I needed DirectX 9 and installed it. No progress was made, still the same thing. I also did a clean reinstall, removing all the folders and installing the new ones. For some reason, the DirectX installer tells me I have a newer equivalent, which I don't remember installing.
  8. GeneralAnthrax101

    Zero Hour (Serious Error)

    Good to see everyone's still here! Anyways, to the problem... Zero Hour has been giving me an error, same goes w/ Generals, it loads the large screen (with the Unofficial Patch) and then it hangs there, with about a minute passing, the error shows up. I am unable to get into the game, just the loading screen BEFORE the game. I have looked around and did everything that there was, from using Windows XP SP3 compatibility to putting in the options.ini in the My Documents ZH folder. I've also done the same with the TFD Launcher and ran it as an admin, still no progress. All the other games, YR, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Dawn and RA1 (all though they get really weird colors so I do the 'open screen resolution before TFD' trick) work with out a problem. Yes, the game's legitimate, no cracks or anything of a sort. Please help. :/
  9. GeneralAnthrax101

    Juggernaut Problem

    Thank you, Nmenth. It works again. I should really think before doing some stuff like this
  10. GeneralAnthrax101

    Juggernaut Problem

    Oh Crap...I made a new ecache01.mix for the 4tnkicon.shp....maybe that is what is conflicting with the juggernaut...
  11. GeneralAnthrax101

    Juggernaut Problem

    Well I am not sure if I am to put up the rules.ini for the Juggernaut AND the art.ini, or either...
  12. GeneralAnthrax101

    Juggernaut Problem

    Anyone got any suggestions? The Juggernauts are straight up wierd now and it really ruins my gameplay.... The picture is proof...
  13. Hello, Modders and guys. I come back again to explain an issue. After I got a Cameo to work for the 4tnk, the Juggernaut appearently has problems. It has NO cameo at all, and when ejected from the Factory, it is completely invisible and has no shadow whatsoever. When Deployed, its 3 guns only appear, and the rest of the body is invisible. Lastly, it cannot be undeployed after being deployed...this only happend after the 4tnk-cameo issue was resolved. Yes, I have rextracted art and rules from the local.mix and it still doesn't work.... Any help?
  14. GeneralAnthrax101

    Red Alert 2 Cameos not working

    So do the same with expandxx.mix but only chance "expand" to ecache? If so, I am wondering if I should do the same with Tiberian Sun, as I tried making a Cameo for the mammoth tank. *Hot damn, it works. Thanks for mentioning the ecache to me, Destiny! I appreciated your help.
  15. GeneralAnthrax101

    Red Alert 2 Cameos not working

    Yes. I don't know if its the way I did it or not while using the .shp builder...