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About diggär

  • Rank
  • Birthday 28/01/1990

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  • Location
    Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  1. 'Ground Zero' at Tiber River in Italy?
  2. diggär

    World's most peaceful countries

    What the...? Germany 15th position??? I didn't knew that my Country is THAT peaceful. Does this ranking includes the complete history of a Nation?
  3. Looks interesting. That's a first view how Generals 2 could look with Frostbite 2 Engine.
  4. It's the thing that he says that like: "Yeah Red-Alert is not a typical C&C, because it is so crazy." I'm asking myself: What is he thinking of Tiberium-Universe? Is it too Sci-Fi? Is the Generals Universe the only Universe, which we can take seriously? Don't understand me wrong: I don't want to talk bad about Generals 2. I hope that the Developers making a great Game and the Series will have great Comeback. The only thing I wanted to say is, that I don't like the way he talks about the Past of Command and Conquer.
  5. Someone who calls The Red Alert Universe a "sub-brand" is working on Generals 2???? Good Night....
  6. Sounds great, see you all on the Battlefield.
  7. diggär

    Now Playing - Games

    NHL 12 "Here are your Anaheim Ducks!!!"
  8. It's Legen...wait for it...dary. Great job, Guys.
  9. diggär

    Hello it's me (diggär)

    Oh man I knew that I forgot something. ^^ My favorite C&C's are Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge and Tiberium Wars. Yuri's Revenge is the beste Red Alert game in my point of view. The Best Mix of Story, Gameplay and Funny Units. ^^ Tiberium Wars is the darkest Part of the Tiberium Universe with a good Story, a good Multiplayer and awesome graphics.
  10. Hey everyone, I think it's a good idea to introduce myself with my very first post on CNCNZ.com. My Nickname is 'diggär'. In Reallife most of the people call me Benny. I'm 22 Years old and I'm from Germany. 'Oh my God the Germans are invading us' Don't worry Guys, I came in Peace to your Forum. I'm playing Command and Conquer since 12 years (my first C&C was Red Alert 1 but it's not my favorit one). My Hobbies are: reading, writing, watch TV, hang out with my friends and playing Video Games. Oh by the Way: I'm the Administrator of cncsaga.de a german C&C Fansite (sorry for advertising ) If you got some Questions, you can ask me (almost) everything. Regards, diggär PS: My english is not very good. I'll try me best but sometimes there are many mistakes.