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Everything posted by CraftManiac

  1. CraftManiac

    Video of the day

    On the topic of Russian Soldiers doing silly stuff...
  2. CraftManiac

    Hello: Episode 3

    Neat. Thank you~ ^^
  3. CraftManiac

    Hello: Episode 3

    Hello folks. :3 I'm back and I REALLY hope I'll stay this time. Made a new account because I didn't like the old one and wanted to start anew. *cough*forgotmyoldpasswordtoo*cough* ANYWAYS. Stuff's been pretty much the same since last time. 'Cept I've taken up freeclimbing a year and something ago. B3 And gotten myself interested into watching all the anime too!~ I see that stuff has been pretty much the same here too. Not that I mind. ^-^; Way better... I have less catching up to do. o3o To the folks that never, ever, EVER saw me... I'm CraftManiac (although most people like calling me Crafty :3). I like sunny days, metal, melo-deth, freeclimbing, sauerkraust, annoying my brother, being silly, sucking at games, sucking at real life, snuggles, hugs and ponies. I hope you guys enjoy my stay here. :3 (By the way, I had a 10% warning on my last account... Just pointing that out in case I have to get that warning on this one too... since it's the same person or somestuff.) ALSO RANDOM VIDYA. EDIT: Forgot to add sauerkraust
  4. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Games

    Popping some Terran and Vanu scum in Planetside 2. :3
  5. CraftManiac

    Hello: Episode 3

    Thanks~ A friend of mine drew it. I'll send her your regards. :3 I wanted to start from scratch. Merging accounts? I'm not sure if I'm thinking right.. :3 Kako je počelo, i oće bit. ;D CroBroFist?
  6. Is there any way of adding your own custom music? I did read some tutorials/find some programs, but they were way to confusing for me to understand.
  7. CraftManiac

    Pic of the Day

    Smile, smile, smile...
  8. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Music

    Dream Evil - Calling Your Name
  9. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Music

    The Final Countdown - Europe
  10. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Games

    Been playing IJI on Ultimortal lately...
  11. CraftManiac

    Pic of the Day

    I shall divide by missiles.
  12. CraftManiac

    Pic of the Day

    Oh god don't...
  13. So sleepy...

    1. Luk3us


      I hear killing dragons will help that. ;)

  14. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Music

    VNV Nation - Nemesis
  15. I've just killed 3 ancient dragons...

  16. CraftManiac

    Now Playing - Games

  17. CraftManiac

    Sluggish game and widescren related stuff

    It helped. Now I must get used to non-laggy Red Alert 2...
  18. So I've got a new PC a while ago and I've installed RA:YR on it and it runs way to slow, unplayable slow. Is there any way I could solve the problem or just to deal with it? I don't know what stuff is in my PC... I'll have to pester my brother for that. And is there any way of playing it on a 16:10 monitor? I've tried the thingie with modifying the ra2MD.ini but it didn't work and I've also tried that program from RAden.
  19. CraftManiac

    Zero Hour lag and crash

    This might help: http://www.cnclabs.com/forums/default.aspx?g=posts&t=9564 I've looked around, googled the errors that occured and found that. It mentions the same error.
  20. CraftManiac

    Sluggish game and widescren related stuff

    I forgot to mention that I can't find the ra2md.ini file at all. EDIT: Whoopsie... seems like it popped out now when I installed the patch. Problem solved. :3
  21. CraftManiac

    Crafty says hi! Part Three.

    Hi guys... It's me again... I thought of sticking around this time. X3 So I'll just go and... stick around for a while... Until I don't start playing Skyrim again...
  22. CraftManiac


    So I got back! Not much changed on the forums since I left. I did though... I'm much better at modding and balancing stuff... Got better at drawing stuff... and got better in C&C... and started playing Minecraft... So I say Hello once more to the best C&C forum I ever been onto!
  23. CraftManiac

    C&C in Minecraft!

    So I made a world filled with C&C veichles... It's not done yet but it looks pretty cool I haven't got many pictures but I'll get more as soon as the server gets up I only got this one: (That'll be a Stormrider attacking a Kirov) Hope you like it
  24. I always wondered how pepole made LEGO thingies hover? (example: Yuri) Oh and Yuri using the mind blast shock-wave thingie and then LEGOs blowing up :D
  25. CraftManiac

    C&C in Minecraft!

    Silly me... I didn't remove the fog when I was print screening it