This game is for all you who like realistic science fiction á la Aliens and other similar movies. The game is heavily inspired by great games such as Half-Life, System Shock 2 and Raven Sheild.
It combines the immersive story telling of Half-Life with the open world maps of System Shock 2 and with the tactical aspects and teamwork experienced in Raven Sheild.
This game is gonna be played solo, in MP and in four player coop.
The team have been through a lot with this game but never stoped believing and now they are on kickstarter and need your support, so head over there and give them your pledge!
Here's their kickstarter video:
And here's some great videos explaining some of the features of the game:
But there are a lot of other cool videos out there as well so check them out.
And finally here's a great interview with Kim from the IM team in a interview with LorKat.
An lastly, you can play some mini modules show casing some of the features of the game on IMs website so check that out as well!
Ok you have to check this feature out. REAL TIME VOICE PORTING:
Just whatch it yourself: