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Guest Rabbit

Project Pictures

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Guest Rabbit

I figured I'd add something in the name of updates to this board, since I haven't posted many pictures recently. Here's a few shots of town stuff.



Town 1



Town 2



Town 3



Garden Before



Garden After



Tiberium Fiend


Keep in mind, there's a lot of stuff between towns, and there's a lot of stuff attached to these towns that I didn't add to this preview. I just figured I'd show something that's developed, for anyone who is curious. I don't expect anyone to be impressed yet.


Feel free to make any suggestions, as always.

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The fiend is way too small.


I wish I had realized how cartoony RPGMVX was before I started doing artwork for you, the different styles do not mesh particularly well in my opinion.


I actually quite prefer the less-cartoony graphics of RPGMXP.


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Guest Rabbit

Well, fortunately, I can extend it to a larger size, which I found out a little more recently. For the time being though, my plan is to finish the entire map before working on the things I'll put on the map.

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Guest Stevie_K

Looks delissh!


A tad too bright for my reserved taste though :P

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Looks promising. Last time I played something like this was in primary school - some pokemon game. I'm getting a bit nostalgic.


Any alpha/beta tests in mind for the future? :drool:

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Guest Rabbit

A tad too bright for my reserved taste though :P


Yeah, there's not *too* much I can do about that. But at the same time, I want to emphasize the brightness early on, and then make things darker in certain areas (like the planned Tiberium wasteland).

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Yeah, there's not *too* much I can do about that.

I could edit your tilesets and objects and whatever else if you want. I can even make a new terrain piece or autotile from scratch if you wanted something in particular and not available in the default resources.


Kind of sucks that VX has limitations though, it sure is nice being able to flood XP with everything I could ever possibly want, and then not even use some of it.

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Guest Rabbit

I think the most I'd want to do though is just darken entire tilesets. I really don't want to redo the entire tileset for every world, at least at this point, because that's something that can easily be changed later if it just involves darkening.

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Guest Rabbit

Title Screen. I might change the title of the project if I can think of a better one.

A basic RDI (Royal Defense Initiative) market. I'll likely change the flags, possibly making more for different royal "branches."

This is right outside the start of the game. Our hero probably won't be wearing this right at the beginning, and will likely have different clothes based on which side you choose to follow.

This is the second town. The train they're building probably won't be completed. They have no idea what is coming to them.

While you won't be able to walk here, this is the early stages of a RDI Tiberium protection zone.

A path leaving a forest.

A cave entrance.

A train ride.

The flags don't help keep the Brotherhood covert, but they're more for display for the sake of these screenshots.

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Guest Rabbit

Also, Nmenth, so you're aware, I can make the visceroids, mutants, etc a bit larger. Sprites can be larger than a single square, if done properly. I don't suppose it would be too hard to boost them up, eh?

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I can make them any size you want them. What about your humans, do you like the super deformed look? Because I can give them a boost in height too... I could also convert XP's character sprite set over to VX's style if you wanted a bunch of random people to choose from.


Here's an example of what your main character could look like if instead of using VX's sizing you used XP's:




Title screen: I like the picture you chose for the background. :thumbsup: The title itself... RPGs don't usually call themselves RPGs in their own title. Still, I don't know what else to call it (for now).


Tiberium protection zone: Why is it you can't put crystals behind the blossom tree? Can't the ground be layer 1, the crystals be layer 2, and the tree layer 3?

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Guest Rabbit

Unfortunately, VX only allows for two layers, unless I treat every tree as a blank event. Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing that, but unless I figure out how to put the tiberium on level 1 without removing something else that I want (or need), there's no other way.


I think in all honesty, I'd prefer the smaller characters, because it would help make the monsters look a little bigger, and frankly, idunno, I never minded the characters themselves.


Nmenth, do you think you could get me a basic sprite of the blossom tree? I could easily make the tree into an event, and then make it perform the blossom action every couple minutes or so. Might be interesting. If it's 128 x 256, that works, otherwise, I just need 12 frames and I'll put it together myself.

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Unfortunately, VX only allows for two layers

What? Seriously? Why would they reduce the number of layers? I knew VX had some pretty stupid restrictions, but having a two layer limit has got to be the stupidest one yet... I have occasionally wished XP allowed more than three layers...


I think in all honesty, I'd prefer the smaller characters, because it would help make the monsters look a little bigger, and frankly, idunno, I never minded the characters themselves.

Well, if you wish... I just think they look too cartoony.

Nmenth, do you think you could get me a basic sprite of the blossom tree? I could easily make the tree into an event, and then make it perform the blossom action every couple minutes or so. Might be interesting. If it's 128 x 256, that works, otherwise, I just need 12 frames and I'll put it together myself.

I can do that. Might take a little time though since your original tree was already a custom job. And, yeah, I can put the sprites together into one image. I gave you the first graphics as single frames because I didn't know how RPG Maker did sprites yet.

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Guest Rabbit

Yeah, as for the layers thing, It's basically layer 1 and 2 when it comes to scenery and terrain, but there are three layers when it comes to character interaction (Those layers being "Below Player, Same as Player, Above Player").

Anyway, on another note, I redid the crater site.



(Imgur might be down)

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If it's 128 x 256, that works

Are those numbers right? Aren't the sprites 3 frames wide by 4 frames high? That'd make them 42.7 by 64 pixels each...


Anyway, on another note, I redid the crater site.

The meteorite looks like a rock with tiberium growing on it, not like the source of the tiberium. It needs to look infected and infused with the tiberium.

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Guest Rabbit

Each frame needs to be 64 pixels high and 32 pixels wide.


Being 3 x 4, this means it needs to be a total spritesheet of 96 pixels wide by 256 pixels high.


You make a good point about the meteorite, I'll try to make it look more tiberium based. I'll probably add a glow of some kind to it, too.

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Guest Rabbit



Here's an updated picture of the meteorite. Lemme know what you think. I added some veins and a bit of fog to it.

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Guest Judy

One more picture, for comparison purposes.


Mini craters, and the huge crater. As you might imagine, the big crater is definitely not finished. A bit of cleaning and some more Tiberium will fix that. The small crater just needs more tiberium.



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Each frame needs to be 64 pixels high and 32 pixels wide.


Being 3 x 4, this means it needs to be a total spritesheet of 96 pixels wide by 256 pixels high.

Hmm, well now I have some questions... Do events still only take up the space of one cell in VX no matter how big they are? Because I'm thinking this thing should be bigger. Not the default tree, but when it spits the crystals, it should be taller, and if you're asking for 12 frames of animation, I could put a cloud of crystals flying through the air and settling on the ground as part of it. I'm thinking 48 pixels wide by 80 high (144x320).


Here's an updated picture of the meteorite. Lemme know what you think. I added some veins and a bit of fog to it.

The fog looks good. Is that just some green added to the image, or an actual fog in the game? It looks good either way, but actual fog would be cooler.


And speaking of fog, does VX still allow a map fog layer? It could make tiberium patches much more ominous if when you neared them, a sickly green fog enveloped the terrain.

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Guest Rabbit

VX Does not allow for fog, unfortunately. There's custom made scripts that allow you to add it in, but so far, I've yet to find one with a reliable outcome, or even a decent info page with working download.


In this case, in the first image (a few posts up), I actually made a fog out of green circles, treated it like an event, and put it above the meteor site itself. In the second image (showing the comparison), I didn't use any fog for the small meteor site, and I just painted the tileset with a thin green on the large one.


As for events being larger, yeah, they only take up one tile on the creation map, but then they expand to their full size, with the tile you selected being the center of the image. So realistically, yes, you could make a larger animation with crystals launching out a bit. As long as each of the 12 frames are the same size, then we can make it work. It just has to be the 3 x 4 frames setup.

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Here's your tree sprite. I also made a gif version so you can preview it right away and let me know if you want anything adjusted.


How many of your monsters will you personally encounter on the map rather than through random battles?




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Guest Rabbit

I'm really not sure. It seems like if I want random map monsters, I'll need a system of switches for each one if I want the game to remember how many have been actively slain.


I might be able to set up a system where they reset when you leave the general area, which would make things a little more fun and take less work, but I really don't know how many enemies I will have on the map until I actually start working on enemies. I've changed my game plan and I'm only working on mapping as things stand right now.


I'll put together a download sometime so you can see what progress I've made so far on the maps.

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I was just wondering because if you go the random battles route, we don't have to worry about making monster sprites except in special cases like a boss.

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Guest Rabbit

That's true. And I COULD easily change things around on a whim, instead of having to place new enemies on a regular basis.

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Guest Rabbit

Lighting test! These are just basic circles right now, I'll aim to make shapes that conform to the field of tiberium. At the bottom right, there's a lantern right next to a Brotherhood hangout.



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