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Call of Duty series turn to 3-year development cycle

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First Infinity Ward and Treyarch, and now.... Sledgehammer Games. :facepalm:

Article: http://www.polygon.com/2014/2/6/5387530/call-of-duty-moving-to-3-year-3-studio-dev-cycle-sledgehammer-on-2014


I doubt to know what the fifth COD new series will be anyway this coming Sunday (that means Ghosts 2 next year and Black Ops 3 in two years; Modern Warfare and World War series are done): http://www.polygon.com/2014/5/1/5671752/call-of-duty-sledgehammer-games-reveal


But still the problem lies in the dated graphic engine. I mean the upcoming Doom 4 Beta, Wolfenstein: The New Order and The Evil Within are all to be set this year using the "id Tech 5" engine. I don't see Activision taking the move to use Id Tech 5 and restructure it to be the new IW Engine that people would be looking forward to (since the IW Engine was formed from parts of the Id Tech Engine). Shockingly, COD Ghosts was the very first COD game to use the PhysX feature.... wow.... that took too long and it should have been COD4 Modern Warfare to be first for that PhysX implementation. The only three games I truly liked with PhysX are Renegade-X, Metro 2033 and GTA IV.


The outdated Call of Fall and Fail continues.

Edited by zocom7

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