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3 problems that have perplexed me for some years

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In the scriptdraw function module, about animation options, what's the difference between

"using_weapon_a"、"firing_a" and "attacking" ?

And another, what does the conditionflag "MANUAL" mean? "ONCE" means only 1 time, but "MANUAL" seems 1 time and another time's first frame.

If I wanna a 50 frames long animation's fragment from frame 10 to 20, what should I do if I don't have 3dsmax, is there any codes to control the animation in xml?

Ah...I forgot.

How to add switch_weapon function on an infantry squad such as the confessor_squad?

Once I tried copy the firehawk's switch_weapon button and link to the single confessor unit. But it has bug that when I select secondary_weapon button it don't fire until I move them to another place by mouse. And sometimes it don't fire anymore, when I select to primary_weapon, it will throw grenade last time and then firing machine gun correctly.

Edited by Sonic
Merged two back to back posts here.

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If i remember correctly:


Attacking: More global, meaning doesnt care if its using a primary or secondary weapon...attacking will play the animation linked to the conditionset = ATTACKING regardles of weapon order or ID. Generaly used in a simplistic firing rotation that doesnt involve reloading animations etc


Firing_A: verry specific..only when Firing the primary weapon, secondary weapon will have to be defined by using Firing_B etc, also better used when specifiying RELOADING_A and BETWEEN_FIRING_SHOTS_A, for a detailed firing rotation.


Manual is usualy used in animations that get triggered by internal or external triggers....opening of doors by a production queue, a special weapon or modifier.


You could try to modify the w3x file of the corresponding animation, iirc you can adjust the frames in there...but that could need some trail and error attemps and depending on how the animation is set up or gets handled it could have some weird effects.

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If i remember correctly:


Attacking: More global, meaning doesnt care if its using a primary or secondary weapon...attacking will play the animation linked to the conditionset = ATTACKING regardles of weapon order or ID. Generaly used in a simplistic firing rotation that doesnt involve reloading animations etc


Firing_A: verry specific..only when Firing the primary weapon, secondary weapon will have to be defined by using Firing_B etc, also better used when specifiying RELOADING_A and BETWEEN_FIRING_SHOTS_A, for a detailed firing rotation.


Manual is usualy used in animations that get triggered by internal or external triggers....opening of doors by a production queue, a special weapon or modifier.


You could try to modify the w3x file of the corresponding animation, iirc you can adjust the frames in there...but that could need some trail and error attemps and depending on how the animation is set up or gets handled it could have some weird effects.




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