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Throwback Thursday for 2nd February

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In Throwback Thursday, we've featured several stars from films and series who made their appearance in the Command & Conquer series. One of these appearances is often forgotten or overlooked - I'm thinking, of course, the role of Dr. Ignatio Moebius voiced by René Murat Auberjonois in C&C Renegade from 2002. Auberjonois is a well-known actor, having appeared in series such as M*A*S*H, Benson, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Boston Legal, as well as films, cartoons and theatre plays. Interestingly, he is a descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte's youngest sister! Compared to Moebius' original portrayal by Richard Smith in the first Command & Conquer, his Renegade self seems a lot older and more serious, helped by Auberjonois' rough voice.

Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.

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