(ha) crazy 0 Posted June 9, 2006 awesome game and been playing since demo day ps: please feel free to leave comments Share this post Link to post
Guest Rabbit Posted June 9, 2006 Kinda sucks cause even my new comp can't run it... It won't start for some reason... Share this post Link to post
gammyleg 0 Posted June 9, 2006 good game. i <3 the artillery on it. but im biased one thing i dont get is how karkand is so damned popular... Share this post Link to post
WhOIsInTeResTed InMyNaMe? 0 Posted June 9, 2006 Kinda sucks cause even my new comp can't run it...It won't start for some reason... agree, my notebook doesn't sucks at all, and still BF2 doesn't run propertly........... but if its better than BFSecretWeapons absolutely rules Share this post Link to post
(ha) crazy 0 Posted June 9, 2006 it's better than 1942 secret weapons but not by much. hypno when you play it you may change your mind. gram karkand is popular because normally there is no air support, most people hate air units. http://www.totalbf2.com/page.php?do=bfvehicles here are all the veicles of bf2 Share this post Link to post
Azrael 0 Posted June 9, 2006 The good thing about Karkand is that it's really a cool fight... because at the start, U.S.M.C. forces need to go through 2 chokepoints at the city, so it is a desperate rush, because snipers can cut you down, Anti Tank guys can mow down vehicles because the don't have much space, etc. And because there's no air support it's very difficult for the U.S.M.C. to just rush and win, they need to plan their move... But I think no air support kinda sucks (I'm a flyer, not a fighter!)... Share this post Link to post
(ha) crazy 0 Posted June 9, 2006 just helos would be good on karkand i agree say anyone want to fly me in a cobra or havok? i'm a really good helo gunship gunner especially when the pilot is hovering dead still and the guided missles are online Share this post Link to post
TheBlackOut 6 Posted June 9, 2006 Very good game, especially when I get a damn pilot who can keep steady, I earned him 50 kill assists and 10 destroyed vehciles, didn't die once too, awesome. Share this post Link to post
(ha) crazy 0 Posted June 9, 2006 tsbo what's your name? i might have played with you but i've been told i am the most steady chopper pilot on the game but i higly doubt it Share this post Link to post
TheBlackOut 6 Posted June 9, 2006 I've doubt we've ran into each other... 1000 servers... The possiblities are.... 1 to 1000. (I like those odds! ) Share this post Link to post
Guest MadBadger Posted June 9, 2006 only 1000? I read more that 3000 RANKED servers alone..... not counting diff versions or unranked Me... pwn as pilot, tanker, transports....... staying alive however.... pffft.... trust I can pull moves in the BH you ain't never seen pulled in the cobra! im the nutter on Mashtuur city flying under the bridges thru the arches..... strict 5M ground clerance at all times I also like C4..... and sniper rifles..... Share this post Link to post
GeneralZ 0 Posted June 10, 2006 i rule in sniping and helo flying....hover is easy....when see tank, unload all rockets right before ur lined up with him. when facing another helo, face him directly and keep rising until ur slightly above him, then unload rockets....or the gunner will take it out. any1 can be a good gunner. piloting is harder and requires skill other than taht..i'm mostly running around the assualt class. my specialty is that m203 grenade luancher. i can hit anything and i mean anything with it. i was parachuting down on operation warlord(Specail forces) and i nailed 2 technicals with my grenade launcher b4 landing. Share this post Link to post
Guest MadBadger Posted June 10, 2006 n00b tube!!!! lol Pistol! Pistol! pistol! uber best weapon...... and my game won't play >_< I've re-installed etc and re-upgraded to 1.3 >_< just gota wait for the upps to finish.... Share this post Link to post
Guest MadBadger Posted June 10, 2006 u serrious? Flying like me takes skill! Like to see you fly through hangers/under oil pipelines/under bridges (im talking about the crappy tiny bridges like on wetlands you got like no clearance) also in a chopper like i said im rarly above 5 m ...... oddly enough.... same with planes.... Share this post Link to post
GeneralZ 0 Posted June 10, 2006 played with tsbo this night.... one game we were both commanders in a 1v1 game and we kept artying each other. tsbo beat me at just sniping round (didnt know where he was grr) but when we tried all pistols, i kicked his ass. tsbo runs into mines too easily. he was in an abrams, i dash fowarded and placed a mine in front of him, and he runs over it. another time, he stepped into my claymore after he killed me. on gulf of oman, i hovered in a supercobra over his airfield and blew up lots of stuff inclusing him. anoying part was he would be rocket calss and shoot be from nowhere. he got me twice with the AA rocket emplacement, but afterwards i blew that up too. we tried helo to helo. i hit him with a few rockets but failed to kill him.....he jinxes too much...but i'm usually in a better postion to fire than him. we never got the chance to play together....next time, he's gunner and i'm flying the chopper.....as i am the better pilot... ah yes badger, i also stayed low...when hovering abover his airfield, i was often almost touching the ground.....planes however,,,i prefer the dive down shooting and pull up technique. the underpasses and bridges arent that hard. the key is not approach them flat, but to roll a bit so ur diagonal and u can pass through them. i tried to get this guy to stunt with me on gulf of oman. i parachuted into a f35 wing and he would hover, but tsbo killed me once as i was standing on the wing waiting for him and the other time, i slid off cause he didnt hover. the funniest thing was i was typing and using the commander screen calling an arty strike on tsbo, and at the same time, he calls a vehicle drop right on top of me, squashing me. ...but my arty still got him Share this post Link to post
TheBlackOut 6 Posted June 10, 2006 Pistols? Hell, I had my knife out, I wasn't even pistoling you, all I did was wanting to knife... All I was doing was, I had my knife out jumping, and it took you a bit too kill me. Sniping is an art.. You ain't suppose to let the enemy know where you are. (Also I am really good at hiding. ) I am very good with the rocket class. They can be a sniper too if you wish. Runs into mines easily? You jumped out of that tank so quick, so I jumped in, I looked 360 and didn't see you so I just move 1 foot and BAM! Share this post Link to post
GeneralZ 0 Posted June 10, 2006 that tank was half health and u were right close to me. so naturally, i jumped out. funny thing is i first threw the mine in ur front while u looked behind u. when u turned to the front, i threw another mine at ur back so u were trapped. i was at the other side of the tank so u didnt see him....moce foward 1 foot and boom! Share this post Link to post
Azrael 0 Posted June 10, 2006 Snipers need to constantly move. Also, if they shoot and hit non-extremeties (i.e. legs), they get detected if the one he shot at can think well enough and use the damage indicator thingy (the red semi-circle that points to which direction you've been hit) to find the sniper... And sadly, the unlockable M95 sinper rifle still dosen't cut it... Only amored glass piercing... Also, I'm not really that good in aircraft acrobatics, and I suck soo much in helicopters it can kill... My dad though, darned good in helicopters, can kill other helicopters using the unguided missles... Though in gunner seat I can really blow people away, especially with the MEC chopper (very good). And in any aircraft (perferrably the Harrier) I can dodge homing missiles if given the space and then find the guy who shot em' and blow him to bits... C4s are hard stuff to avoid, since you can't even deactivate them like the engineer does with mines... P.S. I love placing C4s at the coconut tree (about 3 I place there) in the main chokepoint in Karkand, really catches people by surprise, considering they never pay attention to whats on the tree... Share this post Link to post
GeneralZ 0 Posted June 10, 2006 well, i've killed many snipers b4 from a helicopter...the only thing helos fear are jets and AA emplacements. even AA emplacements are a small threat if ur a good pilot enough to kill it with rockets (me) and if u have a gunner who can kill everything underneath u. the most importnat thing is for the gunner to missile the AA and shoot the guys with rockets. Share this post Link to post
(ha) crazy 0 Posted June 10, 2006 yes it is very important. on sp yesterday i was dropping ccobras on karkand sooooo frickin sweet but mec waas aable to drop that aa veiccle so it kind of blenced out :wink: i was only testing that mod though no public relese is gonna happen but i did make a paintball mod that went public 8) Share this post Link to post
TheBlackOut 6 Posted June 10, 2006 well, i've killed many snipers b4 from a helicopter...the only thing helos fear are jets and AA emplacements. even AA emplacements are a small threat if ur a good pilot enough to kill it with rockets (me) and if u have a gunner who can kill everything underneath u. the most importnat thing is for the gunner to missile the AA and shoot the guys with rockets. I killed you a lot with AA emplacements, the only time you killed them is if I died and you just finished the emplacement off since I was dead, but still, I could just use rockets of my own. OMG THAT NEW PATCH! 1.3... OMG! Tanks v. Helis was one hit from a tank, its gone! Not anymore! Gah! I loved doing that! Share this post Link to post
Guest MadBadger Posted June 10, 2006 1.3 reduced cocpit armour thou..... it is posible to kill gunner/pilot wit a ERIX shot from any angle at the glass...... and a tank shot will kill both (ditto with jet cockpit armour) anyway who gives a toss about the M95.... x hairs too friking big for clean kills.... M29 and the other rifle are ok. Share this post Link to post