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Nintendo claims the Wii U is a flop

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First Windows 8, now the Wii U. It's too bad that Nintendo should have made a new console (not a use of a mobile version to pair up with the original Wii) with a new name to compete against Xbox One and PS4, for the one thing it lacked enough experience to use better graphic/CPU hardware.


Source: http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/17/wii-u-not-selling/

Source 2: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/17/nintendo-wii-u-failure-sales-flop_n_4618218.html


Besides when will anyone expect a Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, Sonic the Hedgehog or Donkey Kong game to exist using Frostbite 3 or Unreal 4 Engine in the future, hmmm? Never..... Graphics for the Wii, they're still below average than the graphics in the recent Call of Duty series.

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Graphics don't make better games. Nintendo games still look better than most half billion dollar shooters. The WiiU isn't really a flop yet. There's just not enough good titles out yet but give the library some time and it will be pretty damn good. In fact, the only thing Nintendo ever gets wrong is having purchases tied to systems instead of accounts.


[EDIT] Windows 8 isn't even that bad. Most people are just retarded.

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They don't have enough third party developers making games for it, its really that simple. Now as to why that is comes down to a lot of things.


I'd never buy a Wii U because I don't like Nintendo games.

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