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The good old days

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lol. i just thought about this and i think im stalking koen for his tibed 2 :P


anyways the good old days:


(my first post hope koen dont mind but iv regestered to this place)


yea i was looking at koen's cool picture where it changes from nod to gdi.

does anyone accually share with me the pure satisfaction of command and conquer? not the red alert crap. the proper original game? also my fav. tiberium sun? with firestorm. i mean. westwood guys are out of the job now. and thats it for the command and conquer games line up. apart from where EA games took over their trademark!


if you've played tiberium sun and firestorm, the original command and conquer, and that first person shooter - renegade you'll know what i mean, westwood studios had to of been one of the best and greatest game developers ever.


really tbh, words cant describe this. or my english is crapp. lol.


thats what i think about command and conquer. and why it means a lot to me. i support it and tibed, because tibed makes the game extra speacial. it shows us 'human players' can cheat and always win against the 'AI'.



ok. so thats what i think about it all.


bit about me :

name's martin, 16 years of age. i do A/S levels at college. looking forward to being an electrician, ive played command and conquer games since i was aged 9. it all started when i borrowed the very first command and conquer game off of a friend. also i only play games and edit them with tibed (hehe) im not some techno junkie who accually has the time and knowledge like koen has with computers.


anyone who has a problem with my being here: its either tuff, or ill just get up and leave. depends on how the admin/boss likes me.

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yea i was looking at koen's cool picture where it changes from nod to gdi.

does anyone accually share with me the pure satisfaction of command and conquer? not the red alert crap. the proper original game? also my fav. tiberium sun? with firestorm. i mean. westwood guys are out of the job now. and thats it for the command and conquer games line up. apart from where EA games took over their trademark!


I liked C&C, Red Alert 1 and Dune 2000 very much. TS was okay (it had a good story) but it did not 'play' very well, I always won by building some artillery and defeating the computer by that. Or building lots of airplanes. RA2 had good gameplay, but the story was bad.

Generals wasn't finished yet, but Zero Hour appears to be what Generals should have been.

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(reply to koen)


yea. i used to use my own expensive tactic on c&c


just used sandbags. the enemy's waves would grow. and so would my sandbags id destroy the sam sites first with orca's then get that airstrike on them. :D


i like TS a lot. but you are right. there is an unequal balance of power with most units. but thats where tibed comes in :)*storm of mamoth mkII*


hehe. yea i never did like RA, or RA2. but some bits are cool. like the secret peeps chrono commando, it has to be the best unit on there. its only draw back is anti-personel tanks. and their chrono shift.


cant wait till tibed 2. that'll be the best ever.

and i thought that you'd do the same with tibed on RA2. you had tibed ready for RA2 and then later on. you got it updated with RA2 yuri's revenge! i was thinking that you would do the same with generals...


i need a new strategy game, any suggestions?

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cant wait till tibed 2. that'll be the best ever.

and i thought that you'd do the same with tibed on RA2. you had tibed ready for RA2 and then later on. you got it updated with RA2 yuri's revenge! i was thinking that you would do the same with generals...


i need a new strategy game, any suggestions?


Well, I wanted to make a TibEd 2 for Emperor: Battle for Dune but I ended up integrating that into TibEd 1.x, but it never worked well. For Generals, so much needs to be changed for TibEd 1.x that it's better to start again from scratch - and finally fix all the problems that were due to design problems. You can now have multiple windows open in TibEd 2 - much requested for TibEd 1.


A strategy game... WarCraft 3 or something different, like Worms3D which will be released next month.

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worms 3d, yea that will do fine. chears m8. and dont slave over that tibed 2!!! want it perfect. and time is no object!!!! :P i say you take it slow. and steady and easy. so alpha 11, becomes the final version, straight away. btw dont pay any attention to anyone saying hurry up you lil . and im just asking, at the rate your going now. what date will tibed 2 be compleated?

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That's the thing, it's never finished. If I finish add units and stuff, then I can add extra INI files for editing, or maybe work on map integration with mods (? not to sure about that). And I still have to make viewers for a lot of file formats in the Project Explorer. And I could make a syntax-highlighted INI editor. But with all this stuff: I'm not sure it's worth the effort to make it. That's why I work 'one step at a time'.

But if I have 'add unit' support then I want to call it beta (or perhaps release candidate or so). And after final, there will be 2.01 etc.

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ok m8. one step at a time it is then. so the next step since alpha 10 is to create an 'add unit' option. i say you make the add unit option. and cheak for bugs, errors etc, then bring it out as a beta and satisfy some of these tibed users! (it will shut them up until they demand more :P)

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Guest Contaminent

the good old days huh , westwood was an electronic arts brand......so o well nothings really changed at all, just a few crazy visions from the westwood guys which made the cnc series kick ass, i like generals and zero hour but i miss all the mad units like Yuri,boris,tanya, and the good ghost stalker, stealth tanks and all of the others.i have installed tib sun wiv firestorm again and its one mad game, dam ai freakin ion cannon or multimissile within seconds! Tiberium dawn was best :) (first one)

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is that what it was called tiberium dawn?, i thought it was just called command and conquer. cool. anyways yeh, i dont think that the saga

of 'tiberium' will continue now that westwood gone. westwood is like a massive mark and ea games just sack em for nothing. they did all this and started the whole series and then they get saked, thank you gd bye...

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