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Rare bug - hunter seeker multiplies, plus cluster missile flies in circles

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It seems like a one-in-a-million chance, but once I played a skirmish on a large map with 4-6 ai players. I set the ai to hard mode and I recall moving a group of attack cycles when a hunter seeker approached. I tried to split up my bikes to minimise the damage, but when the hunter seeker blew up, it spawned another 4-or-more hunter seekers, which chased down my other bikes. I wasn't on the piss or using mods. The game somehow glitched and the hunter seeker multiplied. There are other glitches that are rare, like the cluster missile that flies toward your base and then flies around in circles forever, perhaps until it is assigned a new target. That one happened to me on the final NOD mission in Firestorm.

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About Tiberian Sun bugs...



Guy who uploaded the video mentions something about alt-tab glitch.... anybody heard of it?

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I haven't, but I know about the build-anywhere cheat. I'll watch this video on someone else's internet, it's long :)

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Tib Sun has plenty of bugs, yes. If they can reproduced, maybe Hyper can fix them in HyperPatch.

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