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About commanderKW

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  • Favourite C&C
    Kanes Wrath

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  1. Does this work for KW/WrathEd? If yes, how do we use it in that regard?
  2. Do the same effects work if using WanderAIUpdate?
  3. Here are the textures from C&C renegade, feel free to use in your mod Add to "terrain.ini": ;;Renegade Terrain 0201grassl Texture = 0201grassl.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain dirt_01 Texture = dirt_01.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain grass_03 Texture = grass_03.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain grnd_rot2 Texture = grnd_rot2.tga Class = Type Rock End Terrain ik_ground_dirt256 Texture = ik_ground_dirt256.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain rock Texture = rock.tga Class = Type Rock End Terrain sand Texture = sand.tga Class = Type Dirt End ;; Terrain cc_grass1 Texture = cc_grass1.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain cc_lavarck Texture = cc_lavarck.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain grnd1 Texture = grnd1.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain l00_dedgrs Texture = l00_dedgrs.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l01-scree Texture = l01-scree.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l01-tibgrnd Texture = l01-tibgrnd.tga Class = Type Misc End Terrain l02_ice Texture = l02_ice.tga Class = Type Misc End Terrain l02_snow Texture = l02_snow.tga Class = Type Snow End Terrain l03_bchsnd Texture = l03_bchsnd.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l03_wetdrt Texture = l03_wetdrt.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l05_grass Texture = l05_grass.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain l05_gravel Texture = l05_gravel.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l07_dedgrs Texture = l07_dedgrs.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l10_sandruff Texture = l10_sandruff.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l10_sandsmth Texture = l10_sandsmth.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l11_gravel Texture = l11_gravel.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain lv8_dirt2 Texture = lv8_dirt2.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain lv8_grvl Texture = lv8_grvl.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain lv8_sand3 Texture = lv8_sand3.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain lv8_stone-flr Texture = lv8_stone-flr.tga Class = Type Rock End Terrain lv8_xflr Texture = lv8_xflr.tga Class = Type Rock End Terrain snd Texture = snd.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain tx_tmp_highgrs1 Texture = tx_tmp_highgrs1.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain tx_tmp_highgrs2 Texture = tx_tmp_highgrs2.tga Class = Type Grass End Terrain 0202cavetx Texture = 0202cavetx.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain cc_conc1 Texture = cc_conc1.tga Class = Type Misc End Terrain 01lv1-cliff8 Texture = 01lv1-cliff8.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain bbngRockface Texture = bbngRockface.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain bbnRock Texture = bbnRock.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain nod_mnt05 Texture = nod_mnt05.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain mtn Texture = mtn.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain lv8_cave Texture = lv8_cave.tga Class = Type Dirt End Terrain l11_rock Texture = l11_rock.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l10_cliff1 Texture = l10_cliff1.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l10_botcliff Texture = l10_botcliff.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l05_snwmnt01 Texture = l05_snwmnt01.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l05_rckwall Texture = l05_rckwall.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l03_rock01 Texture = l03_rock01.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l03_mossrock Texture = l03_mossrock.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l03_lvrock Texture = l03_lvrock.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l03_bushes Texture = l03_bushes.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l02_mnt02 Texture = l02_mnt02.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l01-rock2 Texture = l01-rock2.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain l01-cavetx Texture = l01-cavetx.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain grn2 Texture = grn2.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain grn_rck2 Texture = grn_rck2.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain cht_snwmts Texture = cht_snwmts.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain cc_mnt1 Texture = cc_mnt1.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain 01lv1-cliff7 Texture = 01lv1-cliff7.tga Class = Type Cliff End Terrain 01lv1-cliff1pc Texture = 01lv1-cliff1pc.tga Class = Type Cliff End link: https://mega.nz/#!ufBnQCoD key: 2ytKWfhpepRaOIf5i0jEwWVxDe8zRDTfrl62Pfu5070
  4. I have 2 problems with getting "A New Experience" to work with KW: 1. Where do I put the FreeCam shell map? I tried (C:\Users\AAA\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Maps\official, C:\Users\AAA\AppData\Roaming\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Maps, C:\Users\AAA\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Maps) but ingame the maps "turn black" with high max camera heights zooming out 2. How do I compile a map with "BuildMap.bat"? I tried to compile maps with "BuildMap.bat", but it keeps saying "Error: the map doesn't exist"
  5. Doesn't exist/never released as far as I know.
  6. Not cartoony? As in "art style" or "tone"? "art style" - battlefield, call of duty etc ... have a realistic, serious look to them
  7. Art direction seems somewhat cartoony
  8. I don't get the problem. But you can look at the scorpion tank (weapon/turret upgrade), mammoth tank(turret on a turret) and avatar (unit upgrades)
  9. commanderKW

    Kanes Wrath Missing Global Stream Schemas

    Does anyone else who uses WrathEd "1.08" have a problem integrating the "Missing Global Stream Schemas"?
  10. commanderKW

    Missile projectile stuff

    Nevermind, I figured it out; NODMilitantRocketWeaponProjectile with MissileUpdate just can't target/force-fire the ground
  11. I'm trying to make "NODMilitantRocketWeaponProjectile" use the old C&C generals Missile behavoir, to act more like a RPG, but the rockets always disappear shortly after they're fired, and I can't figure out why. Can anyone help me out with this? <MissileUpdate id="0xB5CB00FF" FirstPercentIndent="20%" SecondPercentIndent="90%" GroundHitFX="FX_NODMissileMiss" FlightPathAdjustDistPerSecond="100" CurveFlattenMinDist="300" SidewaysDrift="10" OrientToFlightPath="True" MaxDistanceToTravel="600" MaxDistanceReachedFX="" IgnitionDelay="0.5s" IgnitionFX="FX_NODMilitantMissileFire" ExhaustTemplate="OrcaMissileTrail" DetonateCallsKill="True" FuelLifetime="0s" DetonateOnNoFuel="false"> </MissileUpdate>
  12. commanderKW

    Kanes Wrath Missing Global Stream Schemas

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <AssetDeclaration xmlns="uri:ea.com:eala:asset"> <AudioFile id="aircraft_bombs_fall3s" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/aircraft_bombs_fall3s.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall1" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall1.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall2" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall2.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall6" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall6.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall7" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall7.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall8" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall8.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="explodesmall9" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/explodesmall9.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> <AudioFile id="ambexplo1" PCCompression="XAS" File="AUDIO:Sounds/ambexplo1.wav" GUIPreset="Default"></AudioFile> </AssetDeclaration> These new sounds worked/compiled fine before adding the WE Global Stream Schema patch
  13. commanderKW

    Kanes Wrath Missing Global Stream Schemas

    Hey, Nice addition but when I tried compiling my mod with new sounds, an error message: "Index was outside the abounds of the array" Also see attached log WrathEd_2019-04-24_16-36-54.txt