I would say this is indeed an interesting article, yet I do not agree with some of the author's viewpoints.
The article did raise the question that everyone has in mind: "Generals 2 is still being developed by the Victory Games team after all, how much difference it could bring by re-branding the studio?
Although everything still remains to be seen, I think Bioware+Victory Games is actually a perfect match.
I don't know about "choice" in C&C, but "story" plays a HUGE role in C&C franchise. It is quite depressing to see how people tends to forget what made the original C&C and C&C:TS so famous..... We all know C&C wasn't meant to be a highly competitive RTS game in the first place. It is the STORY which made the original C&C a classic.
"Hitler, Einstein, Stalin, Kane, tiberian crystal, post-apocalypse, NOD, Scrin....."
It is still amazing these days how Westwood put so many elements together to build a fictional, yet compelling story. Now, Bioware comes into play, what can be changed?
Watch this cutscene....
....and compare with this....
You can definitely tell how much better TS was in the story telling or even in the story itself. It is what the original EALA team failed to do AND it is precisely Bioware's expertise! Story telling is especially important when C&C is one of the few franchises with Real Life Cutscene! We don't know about gameplay, but with Bioware's help, one could assume that Generals 2 could stand a chance restoring the former glory C&C franchise has in story and story telling.