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Guest Rabbit

Season 6 Planning

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Guest Rabbit

So, this is where I want to sort of express my plans for a potential 6th season of C&C Legos.


Some of these ideas are options brought up before. I'm just going to clarify here what I am considering, and what I am adamantly against.


Ideas that I like:

  • C&C Chronicles: Basically, this would just be random episodes within random C&C worlds. One episode would be about events in Red Alert, one would be about Tiberian Sun, one about C&C 3, etc. This would also work well for the expansions to Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1.
  • C&C 3: Obviously, this season would be about C&C 3. My main fear is that I would just be repeating a lot of the stuff from C&C 1 and 2. This would be a good reason to do C&C Chronicles, because I could have a random highlight of C&C 3 here or there. Can't really do scrin though.
  • Going Commando: This would be a miniseries dedicated to Havoc. Could be fun, could be repetitive. I feel like it would be a season that is essentially the opposite side of Brotherhood. This could also be blended into C&C Chronicles. You can really do oh so much with C&C Chronicles, but you could also turn the commando into a spinoff of his own.

Ideas I do not like:

  • Generals / Zero Hour: Let's face it, I can't think of a viable plot here. "These are terrorists, let's kill them." or "These guys have nukes, let's stop them." Big whoop. This season could make for some decent action, but aside from the overplayed jokes about shoes and stupid terrorists, there's not much else we can work with.
  • Red Alert 3: Again, the storyline is... meh. Besides, I really don't want to find the time to get another female voice actress.
  • Tiberian Twilight: Yeah, end of the series and all, but I don't really like the idea of putting a definitive end on anything.

Let me know what you guys think.

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I'd go with the C&C Chronicles idea. Seems to be the most sensible to me. As for Generals/Zero Hour, you could always continue with the GLA Diaries, I think they are clever little clips, they would slot right in with the Chronicles idea for season 6.

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C&C Chronicles is probably the best choice for creativity as you mentioned. That being said, it is also a dangerous path, as random, unconnected episodes added to your preexisting lack of a defined schedule would make it extremely easy to get lazy and let the series slowly died without noticing it was happening until you were lowering it into the ground.


For this reason, if you want the series to stay alive, I would recommend avoiding the C&C Chronicles and do Going Commando instead. C&C 3 without Scrin wouldn't really be C&C 3, so that'd be kind of pointless.


As an added bonus for using Havoc, there are a lot of voice clips you can harvest from the game files.

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Guest Rabbit

That's actually a really good idea. And you're right, it would be easy to get lazy, but for the most part, because I can just push any schedule as far back as I want it, it's a miracle I'm not already lazier than I am.


I can't imagine how I pushed out the first episodes. Back in the day, I could have a new one out every week. Now, I'm lucky to push for a month and a half.


But yeah, I think I can do a lot with the commando. Maybe I can tie it in to the current season. Season 5 being the Nod side, Season 6 being the GDI commando side, focused on Havoc fixing the mess that Nod made.

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Zee, I would really prefer and recommend if you go with the C&C3 part starting with Kane's Wrath and go up from there until C&C Chronicles. Besides who needs aliens? :P Once Kane has the Tacitus, C&C Chronicles shall start from there.


I would like the return of a Tiberium Legos season, but C&C Chronicles can wait. Since you mentioned about Kane and Nod rising in Season 5, a continuation with Kane and Nod shall fit in C&C3 (We want more Kane!). C&C Chronicles is a good title but I think it can also work well with C&C Sole Survivor (but that game has no story) and any expansion to C&C (except RA3)

Going Commando.... I was thinking of C&C Renegade Legos.

Edited by zocom7

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Guest Rabbit

Well, regardless of what direction I go in, the title will always start with "C&C Legos"

C&C Legos: Renegade or C&C Renegade Legos is pretty generic. It doesn't exactly glamorize the series at all, and frankly, Going Commando has more of a humoristic feel to it, which is what I'd aim for.


C&C 3 does feel like a good idea. I just don't know what kind of plot I'd be following. Without throwing new themes at the season, I really can't see how it would be entertaining. Without the scrin, it's just another GDI vs Nod. Kane trying to take over once again, GDI trying to stop them, etc.


With a renegade direction, at least I have more to work with, and I can really get into detail with character development and the GDI Commando. I think that would actually be a lot more fun.

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C&C Legos: Renegade or C&C Renegade Legos is pretty generic. It doesn't exactly glamorize the series at all, and frankly, Going Commando has more of a humoristic feel to it, which is what I'd aim for.


With a renegade direction, at least I have more to work with, and I can really get into detail with character development and the GDI Commando. I think that would actually be a lot more fun.

Not quite supportive of it myself, but then again, it must be because I didn't get to like Renegade that much.


C&C 3 does feel like a good idea. I just don't know what kind of plot I'd be following. Without throwing new themes at the season, I really can't see how it would be entertaining. Without the scrin, it's just another GDI vs Nod. Kane trying to take over once again, GDI trying to stop them, etc.

This may only be the result of not actually playing TW/KW enough to spawn jokes at it. Remember how you managed to make seasons 1 and 3 humorous when TD and TS were aimed to be serious-ish games? (I miss that humour style...)

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Guest Rabbit

This may only be the result of not actually playing TW/KW enough to spawn jokes at it. Remember how you managed to make seasons 1 and 3 humorous when TD and TS were aimed to be serious-ish games? (I miss that humour style...)


Honestly, since April, I've been playing through every single C&C game for new inspiration. I just don't feel like I got much out of C&C 3.

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I agree there of a C&C Lego season regarding the GDI commando after this season, and I bet it will be all about Nick "Havoc" Parker. Maybe it's time to bring in a partial scenario from Renegade-X Black Dawn.


Plokite is right about one thing. Seasons 1 and 3 of Tiberium Legos were humorous, so what's wrong bringing in C&C3 Legos (or maybe call it C&C Legos: Tiberium Wars)? New stuff is great (but you can skip the Scrin part). I even gave you a partial scenario plot(s) of C&C3/Kane's Wrath via PM earlier, Zee. From the Predator Tank to an Avatar to epic units, playing C&C3 and/or KW is still fun to play, with or without mods. Also there was a point in season 3 where Einstein managed to get in the third Tiberium War via his own time machine. C&C3 is far beyond doubt having one of the best C&C stories of all time. I even can think of many ideas to add in to a season of C&C3 Legos.

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Guest Rabbit

Whelp, to update this, I'll just make it clear that when I move on to season 6, I'll definitely do a season based on the Renegade commando.


However, I have to be honest. With the care and interest I have invested in the Tiberium Chronicles RPG, I've come to the conclusion that I am not making any final assertion that a 6th season will even be made. I want to focus on the game I'm creating by itself without having to jump back and forth between lego episodes and my other work.


However, I feel the fans of C&C Legos deserve at least a season finale, so I'll make my best efforts to at least finalize the 5th season before that happens. After which, I can not guarantee when (or if) I'll return to C&C Legos again.

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Well I hope you'll finish season 5 by the end of this year before making full concentration on your Tiberium RPG project. ;)


However, if you wish that C&C Legos won't return again, then at least maybe a series finale episode will be in order.

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I don't understand one thing. Why do you make the Soviets and early Nod look like Civilians with red clothing and rifles? Also I would like more Red Alert :ra: ? maybe Aftermath or Counter Strike.(If you have not done it)!

I have never played it but Generals does not look interesting.I enjoyed Tiberium Legos :cnc: alot too.

Edited by HappyBloxxyBob

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Guest Rabbit

I made them look the way they did mainly out of a lack of better minifigures. In early season 5, it was more intentional because Nod started as a group of misfits, so I figured they should look like misfits instead of highly qualified soldiers. I think it worked out.

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