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The Xbox One thread

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I've made one thread to talk all about the Xbox One, because it seems these days more and more information keeps coming in on the new console...


Today, bad news. :P




Basically instead of launching in 21 countries as orignally planned, its now down to 13. :P lololol...


But some good news too, the Kinect is now no longer needed to use your Xbox one...




So a case of one step forward two steps back.... Stay tuned folks, I'm sure this rollercoaster of PR disaster is only getting started. :P

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It's kinda silly how Microsoft is handling this. They're going to lose for a while when the Xbox One launches.

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I won't be getting either of the new consoles when they launch so I don't really give **** what happens right now. Its the games that will sell them anyway, and the launch line ups don't really inspire me.

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For me, the Kinect is a key distinction and a desirable outcome in xbox's favour - but the always-on-feature was a big deterrent.


A friend traded-in his xbox this week and some games and pre-ordered a PS4 from a EB Games (I think). He got $250 credit but has to wait until March due to backorders... that seems a long time between games!

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Wow March? He has to wait till March till they get more PS4s? Sounds like it might be time to shop around. :o

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All I can say is... I'm disappointed by the backtracking done by Microsoft, not because these particular changes are bad but it's just I don't want them to completely follow Sony's footsteps like removing the Kinect from the basic Xbox One console package as I feel that would make the Kinect useless again. That would be a big mistake in my opinion, but the Kinect no longer being mandatory to play the 'box is a very welcome and positive change... I just hope they don't make a cheaper package without the Kinect. I'd basically have a paperweight device if they did.

Also, I hope because MS are focusing on 13 countries that they'll be able to deliver more consoles to the stores at a faster rate than Sony so I'll be able to pick one up this Christmas rather than March.

Edited by CyborgBanana

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