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More than half of PC Gamers are women?

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Isn't it peculiar lately more women are loving to play games? :o



Survey: More Than Half of PC Gamers are Women

The results of a recent survey have found that women outnumber men among PC gamers.


The survey, conducted by the analyst firm Superdata Research, found that PC gamers in the United States are slightly more likely to be women than men. According to the survey’s results, 50.2 percent of PC gamers across all genres are female.

Notably, while these statistics do include less “hardcore” styles of gaming such as social platforms like Facebook and Kongregate, women also made up the majority of PC-based RPG fans. 53.6 percent of RPG player are women with men claiming larger portions of the first person shooter and MMO demographics. Following up on the survey Superdata senior analyst Stephanie Llamas addressed the meaning of the results in a blog post.


“”It is true that 58 percent of mobile gamers in the US are women. But it is also true that just over 50 percent of American PC gamers are women,” she said. “Women are the largest gaming demographic for PC role-playing games (54 percent) and they represent almost 40 percent of MMO and digital console gamers. So to say that women are just casual gamers is empirically false.”


Source: http://www.gamefront.com/survey-more-than-half-of-pc-gamers-are-women/


I guess most female gamers are probably into League of Legends and World of Warcraft when it comes to RPG. :rolleyes:


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Notably, while these statistics do include less “hardcore” styles of gaming such as social platforms like Facebook and Kongregate

The only instance where "majority" and "female gamers" can be placed in a single sentence.


women also made up the majority of PC-based RPG fans. 53.6 percent of RPG player are women

I doubt that.

Edited by Plokite_Wolf

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First of all, I should mention the volume of how much not caring I relegate to the number of women who play PC games is truly astounding. That said, I must concur with both of Plokite_Wolf's remarks.


If the survey is accurate (which I doubt), and more RPG gamers are female, then the only logical conclusion I could reach is that their survey didn't include any inquiry into the amount of time spent gaming. A million women playing an RPG for five minutes each compared to 928000 men playing it for six hours each would come to the same misinforming conclusion, but would explain why this "majority" of women are so invisible.


Naturally, if that is the issue at hand, then saying that "women are just casual gamers" is empirically true.

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I doubt that the number of chicks playing RPGs is that high, but if it was true I don't see how it matters. I mean will games change because more women play them? Not sure how that would work.

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Does it matter who plays the games?

Yeah, it kind of does. It can affect the demographic considerations in game design, whether for the better or for worse is dependant on what you personally expect from your games. Games have already been shifting towards an increase in romantic storylines and team effort rather than action and individual growth. I think pulling more women into gaming has been an objective of the industry, and it is working, though I still doubt it has worked as well as this survey implies.


I don't care how many women play games, but yes, it does matter.

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