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bizarre injuries...

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whats your most bizarre injury?

I almost got my tooth knocked out by a golf ball... and I wasn't even playing golf or within a mile of a course

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I nearly put a rusty broken tent steak through my foot while running in my backyard 3 years ago... I swear the tetanus shot hurt more than the gash in my foot. :P

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I once got all of my nails [finger and toe] ripped out because of some virus that was embedded in them or something like that. I was only 6 at the time and the doctor apparently didn't know how to apply numb medicine. :evil:

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lol.. doesn't the government use that as a torture method? :P

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My government anyways. I know the KGB used to do something of the sort...even though they were accustomed to the classic starving method of killing off their enemies...

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wow that sounds... awkward, painful, ow

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I once got all of my nails [finger and toe] ripped out because of some virus that was embedded in them or something like that.


But they grow back over time don't they? Or are you umm, nailless now?

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They grew back at about the same rate as my two front teeth [about 7 years..] which were taken out at about the same time because of some OTHER virus that had gotten into my teeth when I was born.


I was actually born with about [i just remembered this] 5 teeth fully grown in. They were pulled out however because of some immaturity thing, IDK.

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I got concussion from a soccer ball once. I dived in the path of a striker to try and block the shot and took a hit to the face.

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brilliant! :P


Erm...I never get injured?


Nah, I broke the bone above my pinky finger while hitting my bro on the shoulder :?


Didn't realize it till weeks afterward, though :lol:

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haha now almost getting my teeth knocked out by a golf ball thrown from a lacrosse stick in the middle of the street doesn't seem so bad

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oh supposedly i broke a bone in my pinky finger but never did anything about it. Now i cant straighten my right hand pinky finger on its own.

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Eww thats just wrong dude... :lookalive:



As for me, I've never broken anything in my body. Worst thing that has happened to me was 6 stitches in my head when I fell off some fort or playground equipment back when I was about 14 or so...

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Guest Auronguardian

My friend was looking for something in a pile of rocks and I happened to be behind him while he was digging and a rock hit my two front teeth.




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I got a concussion but never realized it at a hockey game once, a kid about twice my weight and he had at least a foot on me crushed into the boards, 3 times (I was going after calls that should have been icing, I was the only one brave enough) I was about 12 or 11

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I got beamed in the elbow with an 80mph pitch in a 11-13 year old baseball league... WTF?!? :P


My elbow was swollen for a month.. :?

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Guest Auronguardian

At the end of my last soccer game (when I was around 7-8 ) I got smacked in the head with a soccer ball...




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At the end of my last soccer game (when I was around 7-8 ) I got smacked in the head with a soccer ball...




That calls for an owned...



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You just may come in contact with a soccer ball while playing soccer.. :P

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well i had a toothpick go through my foot...not a plesent experiance...o and crd was there...he was laughing


o and then i had to lay on a bed for three hours whil the doc tried to get the shards out...that hurt even more

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That's because your doctor didn't pass his med school final and he didn't know how to use a pair of tweezers to take the toothpick out, but you were stupid enough to let him leave it in there! :P

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hey it really hurt and i was like F**K this and he was all like ok and then just left...as my foot was a bloddy mess on a table...

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Well thats what you get for walking on a toothpick-infested floor... :P

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hey its in a way your fault for making me walk that way so...

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WTF?!? No. You're a dumbass. Now you can go jump off a cliff. I was there too and I was smart enough to STAY AWAY from the toothpicks on the floor... :roll:

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