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Guest Anti-Marine

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c'mon.. A slave could beat the sentry drone in an 1 on 1 :P
Slaves don't exist in Zero hour. but Ambulances are pretty awesome too.

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c'mon.. A slave could beat the sentry drone in an 1 on 1 :P
Slaves don't exist in Zero hour. but Ambulances are pretty awesome too.


Arabian worker boys then -_-


Do you mean the first aid hummers?

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Guest Spartan-117²
yeah, I think I do. btw Humvee filled with GLA workers is a deadly combination. :twisted:


Swinging shovels/?


but the king raptor basically can provide any support (I say that cause I like the USA Airforce General) or the Commanche with Stealth upgrade and rocket pods.... I might try the worker thing you said

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Guest Spartan-117²



sentry drones dont have AA Capabilities.... and the topic did not say make a unit do it in my other topic Create a general :)

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yeah, I think I do. btw Humvee filled with GLA workers is a deadly combination. :twisted:

That's probably meant as a joke, but that might just be a very deadly combo. Hummer protects workers from crushing and anti-infantry fire, then the workers can building spam.

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yeah, I think I do. btw Humvee filled with GLA workers is a deadly combination. :twisted:

That's probably meant as a joke, but that might just be a very deadly combo. Hummer protects workers from crushing and anti-infantry fire, then the workers can building spam.

That was my idea, also a Jarmen Kell could provide some support

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ever though of using the battlebus isntead?

else you have to tell littel jarmen to hijack a humvee if he doesn't get killed, and then transport it safely home only to be pwnd by a raptor..

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else you have to tell littel jarmen to hijack a humvee if he doesn't get killed, and then transport it safely home only to be pwnd by a raptor..

Or you could just use a hijacker

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else you have to tell littel jarmen to hijack a humvee if he doesn't get killed, and then transport it safely home only to be pwnd by a raptor..

Or you could just use a hijacker

or you could just use 10 Scud storms to defeat the enemy, so you don't have to think about what units to use

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airforcgeneral and laser and superweapon and demolitiongeneral







bombtruck and scorpion tank (whit upgrades)

and angry mobs

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is pretty good even with just a chain gun upgrade ive kicked major ass with a small swam of 8 can kill any vehicle its funny as hell to watch

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