Another month has gone by, so its time for a new poll. The new poll looks at one the major news item from the past month, What will you do when the GameSpy C&C servers close at the end of June? Will you stop playing, keep it strictly single player, perhaps try an alternative like Hamachi or GameRanger. To vote in this poll you need to be on the main page of our site, and cast your vote in the poll box on the right side bar. You can also check the the current results in the Poll Archives. And, as always, don't forget to share any feedback or comments about this poll as well.
Here's a quick look at our previous poll, Are you still actively playing Tiberium Alliances? This one was a close one, 42% have quit playing Tiberium Alliances. There are very low numbers for the people who still play it. Full results can be found in the Poll Archives.