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...and now for something completely different (Golem Gates)

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Want an RTS game that's different? Fine... let's try this one.

OK, here we have Ex-Epic games developers who have worked on the likes of Unreal, Gears of War, Civilization, Red Faction and MechAssault 2.



So then...

How does this one float everyone boat?


Edited by Saracen

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Looks more like a MOBA or RTT than RTS.

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Feels like its something like Halo wars 2 Blitz. Which i didn't find that enjoyable, specially not for long as it got repetitive fast.

Also whenever i here developers say: "Let's make things simpler" it usually means dumber and/or shallower.

Like alot of these type of games it probably will do well with streamers as the focus isn't as much on the actual gameplay but more on the streamcommunity/chat experience. While if you would play the game for the game itself you would loose interest fast.

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47 minutes ago, Ravendark said:

"Let's make things simpler" it usually means dumber and/or shallower.

Considering how RTS in itself is a very simple genre, that's pretty much the only thing it can mean.

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