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Guest Neufusion

Best way to destroy patriots

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Paladin tanks can laser missiles too. That's also quite handy against GLA's Stinger sites.


Avengers are better suited to the job. :wink:



And much more expensive and fragile.

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And much more expensive and fragile.


They may be a little overpriced but if you manage your economy well they are nothing more than a tiny dent in your cash flow. Yes they're fragile, but that's why you protect them with Crusaders/Paladins/Laser Tanks when you send them out of your base. Plus the fact that they can take down Air units without any problems makes them invaluable to any base assault.


Patriot batteries are killed by a single bomb truck. Simple.


Damn straight.

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I usually use a nuke cannon... they're a litlle slow though, but when they're in place, they can destroy it in a few seconds.

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I prefer Inferno Cannons over Nuke Cannons anyday. :P


Don't use just one Nuke Cannon. Use several. :wink:

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Yeah, especially with neutron shells they can come in handy against hordes of tanks :twisted:

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Hmm..that gives me an idea. Where's TSBO? :wink:

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EMP Pat > bomb truck. It will disable the truck before it gets anywhere close to it. And its sensors make camouflag obsolete.


3 Infernos > 3 Nuke Cannons any day of the week for base assaults (my pref)


There is nothing like seeing a black napalm firestorm engulf everything. Plus infernos can actually move around, as opposed to the slightly longer ranged Nuke Cannons.


But I wont argue against Neutron Shells. :D :wink:

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Hmm..that gives me an idea. Where's TSBO? :wink:


Oh please, its called airforce. :P


That gives me an idea...


Badger, since all you do is spam battle buses, have 5 nuke cannons force firing on your entry point to my base, kills driver and then kills guys. :P


Me. Lee, all he basically does is spam battle buses. Though, he likes to rush, which ticks me off, but eh.

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What were you smoking when you made that avatar?

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Guest MadBadger

#1 Me have never given a **** about WTF Lee thinks about me :D


#2........ your nuke cannons will never have a chance to set up before my buses apear :twisted:



Rushing is a good tactic as is being able to counter it.


oooh and anyone who can make 6-8 busses every 30 sec aint a n00b (ie ME!!!!)




ohhh and another note..... the fact i cant remember that EMP tanks are really ECM kinda proves i dont spend all my time playing ZH




no tiem to SC im at the libary and have like 20 sec left :shock:

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Library comp = fail. :P


Rushing is good, escpecially when it involved the band :wink: :wink:


Assault Troop Crawlers vs battle buses. Prop tower vs bunker ability, which one will win ??

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Assault Troop Crawlers vs battle buses. Prop tower vs bunker ability, which one will win ??


Battle buses and prop tower??

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they have a built in prop tower. Right ? I know the troop crawlers have sensors, but the Assault crawler, when it was under my helix, gave my helix a health sign thing.


eh well. Still, which would win, Assault Crawler with 8 Tank Hunters, or a Battle bus with 8 RPG troopers ?

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#1 Me have never given a s*** about WTF Lee thinks about me :D


Glad to hear it, I wouldn't think I was provoking you in any way. In truth, I want you abnned ASAP and the literacy of the boards back. Oh my god, someone please think of the english.


Spam, rush etc should mean Tournament instant DQ IMO.


Patriots are slow, and as such, can be beaten by multiple fast targets.

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Guest MadBadger
#1 Me have never given a s*** about WTF Lee thinks about me :D



#1 U N()()B!! :lol: dude i wrote it like that on purpose


#2 its BANNED





oooh and to answer the ATT Vs BB


BB wins anyday as its got its 'bunker' ability. Also ATTs have less armour than BBs anyway ;)

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Finally I am answered. I was wondering about the armor on Assualt Crawlers, considering I lost 2 of them, one with mingunners and 1 eith tank hunters to 3 scorps with rockets and a quad cannon.

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nah. Just use 4 auroras if airgen. It's point laser and countermeasures will make thm invinsible.

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Point Laser and Countermeasures by NO means make any craft invincible, just harder to kill....with missiles.


On top of that I thats the longest gap I've ever seen on necrotopicness

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