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Guest MadBadger

Wtf does the avengers little blue laser do?

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Guest MadBadger

Wtf does the avengers little blue laser do? im not talkin bout the massive red one that kills aircraft or the anti missile one i mean the one if you tell the avenger to attack a ground target wtf does it do? its a tiny little bule laser that does nuffin. I got talkin about it and we dont think it does much so wtf it ment to do? does it increase fireing rate?

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increases firing rate and accuracy :wink:




Avenger: This is a hum-vee type vehicle that can tag targets for missiles to lock on easier and also will shoot down any rockets that the enemy fires at them much like the US tank already does with the upgrade as well as being an anti-air vehicle.

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I thought only Tomahawk missile had to deal with "accuracy", because only they have small chance to miss infantry units by 15 in-game distance unit.


Another funny thing about Avenger is that they can target land units, but they deal 0 damage! lol (I found this out when I was looking through INI files).


Off topic, but I tried adding that miss feature of tomahawk missle to the gattling cannon and making gattling cannon's shots explode for splash damage to immitate a flak cannon, but I can't get it working lol(game encounters serious error).

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Guest MadBadger

sweet i would like to see a AA defence like a flac cannnon that just fires loads of shells into the air randomly when a plane comes in.

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as far as i concern...the blue laser won't do damage to anything, instead, its bring a HELL of excessive force. it paint or tag or what ever to a target you call it, the nearest unit of yours will shot the target (after they finish previous) will good accuracy (also damage) and won't stop until they finish it up (or until you give another command)


its like, you sit & do nothing. just point you finger, and your boys do the dirty job for you.

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Guest MadBadger
its like, you sit & do nothing. just point you finger, and your boys do the dirty job for you.


isnt that how you play the game anyway? you dont actualy drive the tanks do you now.

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*blue light hits Masked Shah*










*gets back up dust himself off, and snipes Avenger... and walks away*


Funding blue lights... American spending at best...


They really need to fix that badly...


damn EA

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Personally i never ever use the avenger i find them pointless.. nothing a few rocket men couldnt handle :D

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Guest MadBadger

lol bet u get wiped out by air gen all the time. avengers are the best no combat unit in the game (other than dozer and non combat is you cant use it to kill a building)

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non combat?


what about the AA laZers?


or is that non combat too?

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lol bet u get wiped out by air gen all the time. avengers are the best no combat unit in the game (other than dozer and non combat is you cant use it to kill a building)
i have never lost on generals.. :roll:

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lol bet u get wiped out by air gen all the time. avengers are the best no combat unit in the game (other than dozer and non combat is you cant use it to kill a building)
i have never lost on generals.. :roll:


*A toxic truck rolls out of GPS cloak. Masked Shah's head pops out*


HA!!! I challenge you to a duel to the death!!!


I'm decent and even I lose....


The best veterns lose as well... because of chance and luck are major factors in game... No one never loses and wins all the time...


*Sprays enemy anti-GLA forces*


unless you like only play single player games, or played only 3 multiplayer games would I believe that one....

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A mobile platform, the Avenger can paint airborne and ground targets with its Point Defense Laser. When targets are painted, other units in the vicinity can fire faster and with better success at them. The Avenger can also down enemy aircraft. its says soo on the generals website

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withi ts blue target laser. n00b.


Jeese, do you people ever read the posts above yours, or the manulas ??

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The manulas are the ones who stole my coffeee the other day. Someone told me they made it into a srhine or something.


I normally include one avnger for every 2 paladins. Its assures a balanced mix that can handle most things, especially when equipped with the repair drones that fire their machine guns. Good ole american balances forces.


The laser is lethal, and somewhat underused IMO, much like the ECM tank.

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my attack forces ALWAYS have Avengers with htem to ensure hugher ROF, better accuracy, and un beatable air defence.


I love to see 6 rocket buggies unload into my Paladin formations only to see every single missile (rocket) picked off my lasers from avengers nad Paladins

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I always accompany my paladins with Avengers, I don't think crusaders and humvees justify spending something that will only prevent their inevitable death. their armour is too light, and at least with paladins, the stray rocket that gets through has a high chance of getting shot down by the paladins own PLD.

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I only use Avengers for AA... Pretty much I don't like the micromanagement of keeping them alive ling enough to have any real use for them in the middle of a hardcore firefight...

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Nah, I'll take Avengers with me in a fight, but as a seperate team from my tanks and artillery.


But the Avenger is the best AA unit out there. The lasers tear up Migs and Raptors to shreads, at most times before they even get a shot off. Plus, the PDL can hopefully take out any shots that get off.


That said, I never use avengers as a ground support weapon.

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I just keep them in my squads of 8 paladin and 1-2 avengers, or 6 palaidins, 2-4 humvees, and 2 avengers, with an ambulance


jsut tell the whole group to attack, and let the avenger handle itself.


as for AA


scatter a few avangers around ya base and outer perimeter, and even A-10s and B3's wont be gettign through


neither will Scuds or Tommies

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So the question now arises, if you think the avenger is so useful, and now know what it does, are you going to use it more?

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The manual doesn't show you battle experience like the other posters do. Bear this in mind when you want to make a silly angry statement.

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So the question now arises, if you think the avenger is so useful, and now know what it does, are you going to use it more?


I still use it about hte same amount that I always have.


1 per squad of 6-8 vehicles, 2 if a larger, with an ambulance always with hte group


and scattered around the base with patriot missile support


did you know that when Patrio missiles attack ground targets, they link up for longer range and faster ROF


well this longer range can actually outrange Sud launchers and inferno cannons if placed right.


pretty cool I say. Oh, and does anyone know if the EMP Patriots link up too ??

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