Woofna 0 Posted July 2, 2006 I don't know if it's legal to do this, but my last few threads got beat up by text brawling and appropriately locked. But I think we had something good going here, supposedly CrazyMarine was making a model. Okay. ORIGINAL POST -- I was just reflecting on some of the older concepts, from the CNC games ... and my very favorite non-existent object of all time, the C&C Tiberian Dawn ORCA VTOL, which has somehow been dubbed the F/A-1 (Fight/attack, I guess.) ORCA ... while it is my favorite thing, is it functional? I note that the engines, whether they be big turbofans powered by an engine inside the ORCA, or actual dual Jet Engines ... are too far back. And the stabilization fan is on the back, not the front. It seems like if you were to balance the Orca on the main jets, it would fall forward, nose-first ... unless the stabilization fan in the rear is actual blowing upwards -- but then it is not producing assistance lift, it's actual causing the Orca to weigh more, in a respect. This trend goes into TS, into the Orca Fighter (which I hated.) except then the engines were TINY, and the giant missile rack on front seemed to very much add to the problem I see in the Orca VTOL. I have designed an Orca in my mind, and it looks a bit different but it's pretty much the one on Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. Since it is so small and seems to have no place to put the fuel jet engines were required, I've decided it is nuclear powered. I think I may have a functional design, although we cannot build such a thing in this time and age. Any thoughts to add? --------------------- Cygnus X-1 wrote: The rear fan only adds "weight" if it exerts more force than the weight of the front of the craft ___________ Woofna wrote: I'm not entirely sure I understand. The design of the Orca seems to be this ... -|-----||==== | represents the stabilization turbofan. || represents the main engines. = reprents the c***-pit and weapons systems, which look heavier than the "tail" structure ( --- ) It seems like the turbofan would have to be blowning upwards, to push down on the tail and keep the nose level, or at least somewhere close. But that is a bad design, because with a movement of the main engines to change balance, the rotor could push up and create additional lfit for the Orca, taking some of the workload off the main engines. But nonetheless, the stabilization fan probably DOES blow downwards to create additional lift ... but if the design and weight ratios are as they appear, than that part is aleady lifting up because the nose of the Orca would theoreticall fall. There must be something here I do not understand - theoretical design deficiencies don't seem like something Westwood would do. Their flaw is incomplete aspects of the game, like it was finished too early, in most of their CNC games ... Okay. Take it from there. Try discussing the ORCA and other concepts instead of single-syllable insults at each other. Can we do it? YES WE CAN. [/bobthebuilder] Share this post Link to post
(ha) crazy 0 Posted July 3, 2006 completed the model is ready to test i'll test it tommorrow Share this post Link to post
Luk3us 63 Posted July 3, 2006 A completed model huh... You make sure you post up you're results... Share this post Link to post
Cygnus X-1 12 Posted July 3, 2006 Assuming that the two center engines can support the weight of both the craft and the rear engine, it should work. Share this post Link to post
TheBlackOut 6 Posted July 3, 2006 i will don't worry Picture plix? I mine 4 fish. Share this post Link to post
Woofna 0 Posted July 27, 2006 Did anyone else notice that CM never posted his "results"? Share this post Link to post
F15pilotX 4 Posted July 27, 2006 The design of the Orca seems to be this ... -|-----||==== | represents the stabilization turbofan. || represents the main engines. = reprents the c***-pit and weapons systems, which look heavier than the "tail" structure ( --- ) It seems like the turbofan would have to be blowning upwards, to push down on the tail and keep the nose level, or at least somewhere close. But that is a bad design, because with a movement of the main engines to change balance, the rotor could push up and create additional lfit for the Orca, taking some of the workload off the main engines. I think what they were getting at, is that (like you pointed out) the tail is lighter, hence only one, smaller engine...the heavier part of the orca is supported by two, so it seems the design is logical....the only part I question, is how stable it really is :wink: Share this post Link to post
rEdaSbLood 1 Posted July 27, 2006 |----||== or -|---=||== maybe seems more logical than -|-----||==== and im sure with appropriate stabilization systems it could work... Share this post Link to post
Cygnus X-1 12 Posted July 27, 2006 The design of the Orca seems to be this ... -|-----||==== | represents the stabilization turbofan. || represents the main engines. = reprents the c***-pit and weapons systems, which look heavier than the "tail" structure ( --- ) It seems like the turbofan would have to be blowning upwards, to push down on the tail and keep the nose level, or at least somewhere close. But that is a bad design, because with a movement of the main engines to change balance, the rotor could push up and create additional lfit for the Orca, taking some of the workload off the main engines. I think what they were getting at, is that (like you pointed out) the tail is lighter, hence only one, smaller engine...the heavier part of the orca is supported by two, so it seems the design is logical....the only part I question, is how stable it really is :wink: stable? Who said anything about stable? Dont you remember hte canyon chase vid from TD? The Orcas are dancing all over the place in there. :wink: Share this post Link to post
Alphabear 11 Posted July 27, 2006 yeah many modern fighters aren't stable anyway such as the f-117 or the harrier. The computer systems keep it under control as the pilot wouldnt be able to. Share this post Link to post
Cygnus X-1 12 Posted July 27, 2006 If you make it too stable, response becomes sluggish. And the Orca is anything but sluggish. Share this post Link to post
F15pilotX 4 Posted July 28, 2006 The design of the Orca seems to be this ... -|-----||==== | represents the stabilization turbofan. || represents the main engines. = reprents the c***-pit and weapons systems, which look heavier than the "tail" structure ( --- ) It seems like the turbofan would have to be blowning upwards, to push down on the tail and keep the nose level, or at least somewhere close. But that is a bad design, because with a movement of the main engines to change balance, the rotor could push up and create additional lfit for the Orca, taking some of the workload off the main engines. I think what they were getting at, is that (like you pointed out) the tail is lighter, hence only one, smaller engine...the heavier part of the orca is supported by two, so it seems the design is logical....the only part I question, is how stable it really is :wink: stable? Who said anything about stable? Dont you remember hte canyon chase vid from TD? The Orcas are dancing all over the place in there. :wink: no, because (heresy ) I never finished either campaign :wink: Share this post Link to post
Cygnus X-1 12 Posted July 28, 2006 Its only the vid for the 10th GDI mission. I'm playing through all the campaigns right now, TD-TS-RA-RA2 and keeping casualty count. When I'm finished, I'll post my results and of course, the "looser" and the "winner". Share this post Link to post