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  1. https://modenc.renegadeprojects.com/IsoMapPack5 https://modenc.renegadeprojects.com/PreviewPack I spent like 2 seconds in google to look those up.
  2. Its worth a quick bash, depends on when you came to C&C I guess, if you came into it second generation or later I guess it won't have the same nostalgia effect as those who came to it in the first gen which is the era Sole Survivor belongs to. I do understand the feeling though, I felt similarly about the City of Heros code leak that brought that MMO back to life.
  3. Blade

    C&C - RA on PS Vita

    Bit of a bump here, but if you are interested in C&C on vita you might be interested in this port of vanilla conquer to it. https://github.com/Northfear/Vanilla-Conquer-vita
  4. RA-DOS only goes up to 2.00, 3.xx was only ever released as an updated to the windows build.
  5. Myself and hifi have been tidying up the remastered dll source dump and adding a few bits that were missing to create a source tree that can build a new exe for the original games as well as build the dll files for the remaster. You no longer have to resort to ASM hacks to modify the original games now. Check out on GitHub. You can also optionally build the game in a developer mode which enables the in game map editor that has only really been seen in the leaked Red Alert beta. Currently the build still needs ddraw which is a limitation but an sdl2 port is in the works which should work better with modern systems. We are also working on cross platform and 64bit builds if you run something other than windows.
  6. Yeah, just like I said, its a new game modelled after sole survivor, not sole survivor.
  7. Not really sole survivor, its an OpenRA mod so basically a different game.
  8. You are forgetting Thyme, though its hard to say just how embedded the notion of only 8 players in a single game is.
  9. Open source SAGE projects seem to be in vogue, like any top down project, this one will take a while to get to the point where it playable. The way its being developed doesn't really draw devs away from Thyme as the skills needed for each are somewhat different and the research being done for it will be applicable to both projects anyway.
  10. I think you are getting confused, wine doesn't run under win98. If I wanted to play it on win98 I'd just run it native. Me thinks you need more practice with this computing malarkey.
  11. You make these pronouncements, yet already admitted you know next to nothing about programming. Nowadays you could write a more flexible and lightweight engine? You could back when Generals was written and indeed it seems it was quite flexible since they managed to get 7 games out of it if you count expansions. Lightweight? Why do you think you could write a more lightweight engine now rather than then, if anything engines should have been more light weight back then because they couldn't rely on having multiple CPU's and the shed loads of memory and GPU compute that we can take for granted now. That said, maybe generals can be optimized more, I doubt they did more than they needed to to ship it working on systems that met some average spec back in the day. Frankly is seems like you are just trolling and looking for an argument, do you even C&C bro? What do YOU think I should be spending my time doing?
  12. I have less interest in writing my own game engine than I do in making an version of an existing engine that can be ported to other operating systems and patched effectively to fix bugs the original developers/publishers never go around to. Your understanding of Java vs C++ portability is inaccurate. Java in theory can be compiled once and then ran anywhere the JRE is available with some penalties usually in terms of performance because it is compiled to java byte code, machine code that doesn't have a physical machine that runs it, it is instead processed by a kind of virtual cpu that runs on different physical cpus (and is probably written in C or C++). C++ on the other hand is always compiled to a real CPU machine code. Apart from calls to the platform API to do things like open files, enumerate directories and handle input, most of the game engine is portable and can be compiled against many platforms and CPU's and will behave the same (more or less). It can be made more portable by writing it against wrapper APIs that abstract the platform differences such as SDL, QT, wxWidgets and the like rather than against the platform API directly (plaforms such as windows, macos, linux, android and such).
  13. The wiki is open for anyone to contribute to and unfortunately the project has an over zealous fan Zexaron who wrote those pages. I'll probably put a disclaimer on the main wiki page or something as we don't want misunderstandings like that to put people off contributing. I've not done any actual work on the way the in game view is rendered yet and I assure you I would rather ask people who knew more than me about it than spout nonsense on the wiki that I wasn't sure was accurate. There seems to be no end of attempts at an open source SAGE engine clone, this one is different to all the rest in that its attempting an accurate bottom up recreation like OpenRCT2, replacing the original game one function at a time until the entire thing is recreated in C++. Good thing about this approach is that you could build the code and play the game now. You wouldn't be able to tell much difference right now of course, so from a player POV this isn't all that useful, but for development it makes it much easier to verify the new code behaves as expected. I can't guarantee it will get any further than the other attempts if I get burned out and I'm also working on RA++ as well. Additionally it will make documenting the file formats more accurately possible so it will provide additional resources for people to build modding tools for the game, though thankfully it is reasonably well covered already.
  14. That quote either shows a misunderstanding by DCoder and Renegade of how those classes are intended to function or is just a flippant comment by him reflecting his poor opinion of the Westwood coders. That "MouseClass" related to handling the drawing state of the mouse in the context of handling input and drawing of all the elements of the game screen. A deep inheritance like this was a common design pattern at the time the original games were written and is probably present in other contemporary games that haven't had their code examined in the same detail. It isn't an example of bad coding as the quote makes it appear. The inheritance is not intended to imply a "type of" relationship that introductory OOP courses use to relate the OOP concepts to real world examples. Instead it represents discreet elements of the final object that are all tightly coupled to each other. Modern coding practices would probably have them all be friend classes of each other and have instances of them as members of a containing class to achieve the same result.
  15. I've just pushed the beginnings of a Zero Hour reimplementation project to https://github.com/TheAssemblyArmada/Thyme if anyone is interested in contributing to such a project. The project is using a similar approach to the one recently used successfully by the OpenRCT2 project. That is, the reimplementation is initially being implemented as a dll that is injected into the game run time that replaces the games functions with new implementations as they are written, allowing it to be reimplemented a bit at a time. I've already reimplemented the custom memory allocator the game uses as well as a couple of string classes. Its very early days for the project, but if anyone has some C++ knowledge and is interested in getting involved, drop by the #thyme channel on freenode.net IRC. When some significant progress has been made it should become possible to fix engine bugs and add additional features to the game.