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Has anyone found the Dozer doesn't make sense?

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does anyone found the Dozer doesn't make sense? I mean it is like a construction unit right?? like the SCV from Starcraft? but with a pursue of realistic setting like in all C&C franchise, especially in General where it takes place more or less now, shouldn't a construction unit be more realistic?? and apparently they are making a come back in General 2/ Command and Conquer...


anyone who is interested in the discussion, please do join in!


just some thought i have from now and then...

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It is insanely silly, but that's Westwood and Command & Conquer to ya.

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It is insanely silly, but that's Westwood and Command & Conquer to ya.


well. MCV concept is fine for me, but dozer really puzzle me, may be they should add a crane and a drill on the dozer?? dunno....

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An MCV is just as unrealistic as the Construction Dozer . Are we meant to believe that an entire Construction Yard is all packed up inside the actual vehicle? Of course not. Like a lot of things in gaming, especially RTS' like C&C you have to let go of the realism to some degree. When you think about the GLA Workers are just strange. These weak little dude build massive structures in a short space of time, very unrealistic.

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An MCV is just as unrealistic as the Construction Dozer . Are we meant to believe that an entire Construction Yard is all packed up inside the actual vehicle? Of course not. Like a lot of things in gaming, especially RTS' like C&C you have to let go of the realism to some degree. When you think about the GLA Workers are just strange. These weak little dude build massive structures in a short space of time, very unrealistic.

well yeah... I can understand why some people would find MCV sketchy... I mean real army in real life certainly don't have it. So on the issue of MCV, I think different people varies in the measure. For me, MCV is a more realistic fictional vehicle/structure, the reason is that when I saw it in the FMV in Tiberian Dawn and seeing it in game in Tiberian Sun, it made sense to me in fictional terms and limit.


and for the Dozer, I really need to see how it actually construct a building with the dozer's on board equipments, instead of just seeing it create a metal frame work and than the building pop up.


now the GLA worker is a interesting one since you mentioned it. I agree with you that this is just insane(well to a degree) how that is possible, but I think the merit, or rather my merit is that, while true this is no way possible, but in order for the game to work, some features are exaggerated, and for me some modest exaggeration is OK, than this entirely just my view point. :)

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I know it sounds weird that one man could build an entire building,but maybe when we build a sturcture,the scafolding appears and we can assume that all building materials and equipment are there,so only a worker/dozer is needed to be at the construction site to get things running. For the least,believing this makes more sense to me but feel free to debunk it.^_^

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'course it doesn't make sense. Only would be realistic if you couldn't build anything and just fought to the death with a fixed army ...but that wouldn't be fun.

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'course it doesn't make sense. Only would be realistic if you couldn't build anything and just fought to the death with a fixed army ...but that wouldn't be fun.


No bases mode can be pretty fun in C&C....for about 10 minutes :P


On a more serious note you could call in reinforcements from "off map" like many Real Time Tactics (RTT) games do. Strategy games without bases are fun, but their game play certainly does not fit with the C&C style of RTS at all. They are either very action oriented like World in Conflict, more realistic and on a larger scale like WarGame or semi-realistic on a smaller scale like Men of War. Though there are great RTT sci-fi games too like the Ground Control series.

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I know it sounds weird that one man could build an entire building,but maybe when we build a sturcture,the scafolding appears and we can assume that all building materials and equipment are there,so only a worker/dozer is needed to be at the construction site to get things running. For the least,believing this makes more sense to me but feel free to debunk it. ^_^

good point. thats one way of seeing it.

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Oh yeah, reinforcements from off map is a pretty legit way to keep it realistic. I've played some (Rome Total War, maybe?) missions where one plays with a fixed army, and didn't like it too much. I could see with more work and a game dedicated to that type of game play, it might be better. But yes, certainly not like CnC.

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