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About keithktam

  • Rank
    Sergeant First Class
  • Birthday 07/09/1910

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  1. thanks a ton for that!! may i ask what in the other two folders?? i know is mod related.
  2. don't know if somebody have asked that before. I was trying to install the SDK with C&C Ultimate Collection without success.... this is what the installer said: can anybody help?? thanks!! keith
  3. keithktam

    A New Chapter for Tiberium Alliances

    hah, don't trust that one bit......... we've been screwed for so many times, haven't we mate??
  4. keithktam

    Throwback Thursday for 26th March

    you design this i see. better than the one in Tiberian Twilight!!
  5. keithktam

    Throwback Thursday for 26th March

    I really really like it!! got disappointed when everybody supposely hate the design and got canned pretty cool! where is this from??
  6. Hi. just got the collection today, and found out the soundtracks are missing and launcher (additional content) doesn't work, googled a bit, doesn't help... I live in Hong Kong, so I guess my version is the worldwide one, does this version come with the soundtracks?? and I kinda remember that there is a patch fixing the launcher, can anyone give me a link, please?? cheers
  7. are the TW SDK and Worldbuilder the most current version? and also where can i get their respective documentations?? also anyone know of any places that offer the basic tutorials?? i did some google, and they seem scatter around, wondering if anyone know a more centralize place?? things like how to create new units, importing new models and animation, AI, and most of all, create single player mission. thank you
  8. keithktam

    Ares v0.7 Has Arrived

    does it support ingame save??
  9. keithktam

    C&C 3: Tiberium Mod for Red Alert 3

    now you are showing it?? anyway, the mod haven't been updated for awhile now, the modder said busy at school, so haven't seen new works since.
  10. keithktam

    small graphic bug

  11. keithktam

    small graphic bug

    hi, been playing some CnC, thats why been asking various patches, and wonder if there are any for tiberian twilight?? cause I have been experiencing some minor graphic bug ingame. I have already set all my graphic to max with anti aliasing to level 2, that is that max for the AA setting, and yet, aliasing issues are all over the place... I wonder if its the resolution I set, cause among the highest level of res I can have with my pc, is 1360x980 and 1366x980, and naturally I chose the later one. any thought?? thanks!!
  12. another quick question, are there any official patch at all for Uprising? thanks