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PC Gamer's Top 100 Games (2016 edition)

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Here they go again: http://www.pcgamer.com/best-pc-games-1


The two entries that were surprising were Mech Commander Gold and They Hunger. Strangely I thought add-on mods to original games aren't supposed to be ranked and they are not really indie games. But I heavily disagreed with the number one entry The Witcher 3 and it should have been GTA V.


As for the upcoming 20th anniversary this Halloween 2016, PC Gamer still places the best and most popular C&C game ever, C&C Red Alert at #40!

Edited by zocom7

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EVE Online in 14th place, noice.

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That list seems quite random.

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Screw reading all that, I just skipped to page 13 and I'll go backwards. On page 13 they have a "bingo" chart called "top 100 - internet reaction". One of the criticisms is: "MGS V is only half a game". Ha-ha! I loved MGS V. Of course, Konami killed half of the game... it was supposed to be longer. I'm going to paste stuff from the article that I like:


"Who’d have thought Wolfenstein would form the basis for the freshest new FPS campaign in years. It’s astonishingly loud and astonishingly violent, big and muscular and Wagnerian in both its dumbness and its surprising cleverness."


Yes, muscular :D ............. if games had "trigger warnings" then Wolfenstein would have one for masculinity lol


Red Alert 1 and Half Life 2 are in there. Cool. I'm going to read "The 50 most important PC games of all time" instead. I only read half of the top 100, good to see all the Elder Scrolls games in there though.

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That list seems quite random.

Indeed, but understandable considering how they came up with it:

Each writer simply nominates their personal top 15 games, and we combine the resulting choices to produce a longlist. Two writers, one each from our US and UK teams, then get together on a sweaty and prolonged Skype call to decide on a final list that we’re proud of.

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Why argue about ranking lists, they're always subjective. That is like arguing someone's favorite color. Same with scoring a game. These gaming magazines/sites are a relic of the past imo.

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Of course it is subjective. We all know that, and they know that, and they know that we know that, but it is their job to convince us that it is not in a suspension of disbelief sort of way.


This is a magazine company, they sell subjectivity packaged as fact. If everyone simply accepted the reality that every game review, prediction, and list of "best" was 100% subjective, no one would have any reason to care and the magazine would have no reason to exist.


If you examine this article under the lens of rationality, you can plainly see them attempt to describe this list as objective (again, knowing that we know it is subjective). Saying the list was decided democratically, explaining how much work their writers went through to narrow it down, and concluding it was something they were proud of. This is intended to make the list have purpose, to be more objective. If it is 100% subjective (which it is, and everyone knows that), it has no purpose and whatever means they used to compile the list are irrelevant.


If they cannot adequately convince us to suspend our disbelief objectivity, they have failed their job and, as public figures (in the context that they publish works for the consumption of the public), they are open to criticism.

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