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ZH Dogfight...  

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um XWings have repulsor lifts allowing them to hover (remember SW 4 )


as for speed


XWings dotn look as fast inthe movies because space is relative. speed is hard ot judge.


Look at how fast they were goin through the trenches. Keep in mind that the death star was 120 km wide

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I can't deny that they were fast, but the Orcas are just as fast.

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Orcas have limits on speed due to Gforce on pilot and friction


XWings only have speed limit in atmosphere, and acceleration compensator keeps Gforce down

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the Orcas and the Xwing are pretty evenly matched and it would be interesting to see how they fared against each other.


As far as dogfights go, the best ones I've seen were on Blitzkrieg 2 - they felt so real and not faked, like the ones on ZH.

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well ORCAs have 6 missiles and limited armor


X-Wings have six tactical nuclear missiles, unlimited lasers and rechargin sheilds......


hate to burst your buble, but a contest between the two leans ever so slightly in favor of the X-Wing




comparing hte ORCA to modern fighters....theres a fight id pay money to watch.

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the Orcas and the Xwing are pretty evenly matched and it would be interesting to see how they fared against each other.


As far as dogfights go, the best ones I've seen were on Blitzkrieg 2 - they felt so real and not faked, like the ones on ZH.


Another problem: they're both on the "good" side in their respectives games/movies

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but Nod stole some for a mission in TD..


and the Empire stoel a few for various purposes


Maybe they could combat each other in a training excersize 8)

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Well, for the X-wing, it was originally the empire's project which the rebels stole, so along w/what u just said, i guess it could be feasible

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X-wings are way better than orcas...think of the technology era. X-wings built when space travel is commonplace. X-Wings have more powerful engines, shields, lasers, and that R2 droid.


Orcas are built in the future, but before space travel is possible. Orcas have missiles and some armor.


X-wings can go anywhere, in space, in the air, while orcas cant.


Orcas have to stay right side up. X-wings dont


Orcas is more like helicopter/ VTOL than jet fighter

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in the cutscenens ORCAs can manuver like modern day fighters


still cant touch an X-Wing though 8)

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Yeah, what Generalz said is true; it's supposed to be about the speed of an apache so that helicopter will have a rival in the c&c series, so yeah, it should be slower


The only thing I wonder about the X-Wing, though, is why, so far in the future, they still need refueling :?

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They do need refueling, but the hyperdrives barely sip fuel, so they can travel long (and I mean LLOOONNNGGG) distances without refueling though


but dogfights eat up a lot of fuel, so after combat, refueling is a must

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once your in hyperspace, the hyperspace motivator only has to exert a tiny bit of energy to keep you in, put goin in and out takes a lot


dogfights...well, with all that manuvering around, you'll be using a lot of fuel, so....




the hyperdrives are not like afterburners, they are a completey different propulsion system than the sub light drives


speaking of dogfighting....


the latest trend in fighters is the foreward wings (Mirage 2000, EAF 2000, Rafale 2000, SAAB Gripen, SU-35) and air forces are not emphasising slower combat speeds with much much higher manuverability (F-15 S/MDS, SU-35, F-22)

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Of course: with the much better missiles available today, there is no need to risk getting up close, and therefore, speed is needed more than manueverability :wink:

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on the contrary, when your up close, many modern missiles are too fast and will over shoot you in a blink of an eye, and meanwhile, you're flying circles around your "fiends" over there in their F-15s

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They can't shoot past the plane if they're too fast for evasive manuvers :wink:

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the faster they are, the more space they need to make manuvers in.


meanwhile, your enemy cant lock on to you cause your flying circles around him. :lol: :lol:

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20 mile circles :lol:

like a moron who's basically saying "Shoot me, I wanna die"

So, I'll just do him the favor

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no, that is current use fighters.


Im talking abotu the next gen fighters, which are actually in the process of being deployed right now.





Saab-Gripen MK 2




flying circles of several hundred meters, not 20 miles

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I would love to see the return of the Yak Attack or some sort of machine gun planes, like in Blitzkrieg 2 - Thats was my favourite part of the mod. It was characterful watching your planes attacking each other while wondering who would gain the battle tipping air advantage. It was fun in a whimsickle way. Very characterful, very humourous.

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:blah: ok....anyway...the new fighters will have speed and manuverability, so yea, we're both right in a way :wink:

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all the new fighters are perfectly capably of engaging with their mounted cannons old school stule as well as missiles from range

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Yes, but that is very unlikely because of how effective modern radar and missiles are... :wink:

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you'd be surprised at how effective modern radar ISNT


MiG-29s and some SU-27s dont even have radar. they use lasrs and a passive infrared system to target enemy aricraft




harder for SAMs ot lock o nthe them, cause SAMa are radar tracking missiles

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