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Doctor Destiny

The Generals

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<Rusty Le Cyborg finally wakes up and sees this thread>


Bah.. curses!


I demand to be General J-Fire_Man's fanboy!! Umm.. I mean.. Hero Unit!!!


I AM a Cyborg after all ;)


Oh no... Argentina... ARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!


Cheers for now

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It's not ready yet and won't be for quite some time. However, when I get started, it will only take a few months to make.

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aww... right after my christmas break is over -_-... come on now fen... time to go into a overdrive on modding!!! ;):P

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When his airmen take flight, man the anti-aircraft guns.


shouldnt it be forget the aircraft guns, cause they wont do you much good




i agree with you is there a prisim general as well?


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Guest MadBadger






hrrrrmmm who needs a hero.....


Hrrmm Minas and England gen..... Ill ask her if i can be an Inf hero Spy/Thief mix :P

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Technically you should ask Fenring, seeing as how its his mod :wink:

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So technically Madbadger has a kind of superiority over the other Yuri Generals


Ya know, his advanced mindpowers :wink: (im just speculating, dont blow up on me Fen)


Badgers gona need more army upgrades Im thinking, so folks, looks liek another update soon. :wink:

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I've juiced so many extra units into the game, I don't have enough room for 16 new hero units. If I end up with enough, I'll consider it.

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perhaps just a generic allied/spviet/yuri hero thing

oh wait, you already did that :wink:




what about hero vehicles ? maybe not for this mod, but any others ?

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could be


although, you seem to have a lot of tech units as it is....

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WTF mirage tanks arent avalible for fenring it is just what he needs if he is a stealth general

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Guest MadBadger
So technically Madbadger has a kind of superiority over the other Yuri Generals


Ya know, his advanced mindpowers :wink: (im just speculating, dont blow up on me Fen)


Badgers gona need more army upgrades Im thinking, so folks, looks like another update soon. :wink:


whuuuu???? when i get to be a Gen....







oooohhh and i get the pwity Yuri buildings :D


right now who i gota mug to get First Decade.....



Faster Lasher tanks would be a good upgrade. slightly weaker shot & armour but faster or as fast, as IFVs


hrmmm cloaked when not moving Virus or the Limpet Drones maybe?


it wouldnt be a huge shame to lose the UFOs :pray: ....... say Cosmonauts instead.... or rather Badgernauts :twisted:



also Grevious Boomers could launch Hallucinogenic missiles (small cloud of hallucinogens after explosion)




Meh, who am i kiding, i just want to play with myself............ hrmmm no way to re-phrase that so some of the more..... 'perverted' members cant get a rise out of it.

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Nah. You focus on advanced psychic weaponry... your units will be a bit more devastating than you might think. Even though you won't have much in the way of new stuff, the enhancements will be killer. MasterMinds with no overload? zomg!

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Guest MadBadger
MasterMinds with no overload



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