Mina Synd 0 Posted October 23, 2008 ...so is it going to be three seperate standalone games which can link with eachother or just one game and expansions? o.O not that it matters either way if they are all standalone but i'm a geek. i have to know! D: aaaand back off topic again. yah, i can't really play tiberium sun anymore because the graphics hurt my brain >.> also i don't like the sound of campaigns harder then C&C... i struggle enough as it is >_> i mean i'm strategic and all... but in real life situations. i could easily control an army... but we're talking about fancy units and a completely different scenario and situation... i mean really i should be a military strategic advisor or general... either that or a lieutenant. i -can- control everything at once but if you give me a specific task i'd be far more effective then if i had to do everything at once >.> and when it's something that complicated i really struggle... so i don't think i'd be able to beat SC... i haven't even finished world in conflict yet xD; i played it straight for two days til i got to like, the last or second to last mission and hit a brick wall. i probably could beat it but i had about five attempts and just got bored of it >_> anyway. the main issue is the graphics. i have FF7 on PS1 but i simply can't play it because the graphics give me migraines o.o; so i've never seen what happens beyond the first two minutes ;-; played FF9 all the way through though when it came out nn; Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted October 24, 2008 You complain too much about graphics. I still play the original NES for crying out loud... graphics are the least of your concerns. My god. Share this post Link to post
Nmenth 290 Posted October 24, 2008 NES? Ha, that's nothing, I still play with games where everything is made up of ASCII characters. Share this post Link to post
sith_wampa 6 Posted October 24, 2008 I like SC because, like Chess, the victories are not based on the units but the players. It's a silly example, but it doesn't really matter whether you are black or white, all things being equal. LOLNO Protoss are OP. Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted October 24, 2008 Not really... they're easily beaten. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted October 25, 2008 i've still got an Atari somewhere which i love to play. original space invaders... circus... various games like Tanks... all kinds of stuff. even the original Superman game XDDD but games that try to use flashy amazing graphics which are obviously dated... that hurts my brain. i mean i loved games like the original C&C and tiberium sun when they came out and i first got them... but now it just hurts my brain to play them... however games like red alert 2 will never really date. they have high quality pixel art o.o i mean that will still be very playable maybe 20 or 30 years from now xD eh, go figure n-n; i mean i love games which really make an all out effort with their pixel art. like the sega megadrive/genesis... streets of rage... shinobi... golden axe... many of those games are so visually detailed that they will be playable many years from now o.o but in the original C&C games although the vehicles were pretty good, most of the infantry were just blobs... and it frustrated me so much @.@ Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted October 25, 2008 oh very much so xD they may have only been 12-bit coloured but they had more personality then most -humans- i know XD so it kinda balances out o.o xD; Share this post Link to post
Gben 20 Posted October 28, 2008 LOLNO Protoss are OP. This is a good example because I really believe the player ability is the determining factor in the win, not the sides. I'm so surprised at the number of top players at tournaments that are Terrans for instance. I like Starcraft because knowing how to counter effectively is more important than getting the first strike in. Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted October 28, 2008 Sometimes that first strike is enough to yield you the game. Even games can employ psychological warfare. Share this post Link to post
sith_wampa 6 Posted October 28, 2008 Sometimes that first strike is enough to yield you the game. Even games can employ psychological warfare. Most definitely. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted October 29, 2008 o.o; yah... but i don't like my RTS's to be overly complicated like that... it's bad enough they are slaughtering my army let alone messing with my mind ^-^; zero hour was bad enough after i tried a couple of online matches with people and they utterly killed me instantly with mass-spam tactics :\ eh whatever... Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted October 30, 2008 Mass spam is actually easily beaten in ZH. Top tier players use real strategy in ZH and even RA2. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 1, 2008 yah. it's easily beaten if you're expecting it. although i -can- control whole armies an stuff i'm much much more efficient as a single unit. gimmie a WW2 FPS and say, a lee enfield and i will be -FAR- more effective then if i was a general in ZH o.o besides, that's one of the reasons i don't play online. everyone follows the same boring rules :\ one player spam rushes, the other player counter spams and it just continues until one gets lucky so y'know i pretty much only play online when i have a friend on my side and we're against AI's... but whatever y'know >_> when have i ever claimed to be a "top tier player"? i don't care about just winning as many battles as possible just to gain a little badge of honour to show off... i just want to have fun :\ ain't no fun to be had in using the same old textbook tactics again and again... actually yet another reason why i prefer FPS's... >>; funny stuff happens in them WAY more often then RTS's... Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 1, 2008 I never said you were top tier. However, all I'm saying that mass spam is not viable in ZH against anyone with a modicum of skill. Doesn't really take much to get ahead of a spammer. Share this post Link to post
Nmenth 290 Posted November 1, 2008 Doesn't really take much to get ahead of a spammer. Nevertheless, they still ruin the fun. It's those boring same old strategies that keep me from much online play too. I do prefer a RTS over a FPS, but Renegade was still the C&C game I played over the internet more than every other C&C title combined. I have to admit Renegade wasn't without predictable, repeating strategies, but it is much more fun to manage the predictability than with the others. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 2, 2008 every game has it's own boring strategies which everyone uses... but it's more fun in FPS's... cos even if you keep getting beaten by the same boring tactics it's usually more entertaining cos half the time you don't see it coming or whatever... or the -way- you die is funny. i mean like when i was playing BF: 1942 a few days ago and i basically killed about 15 infantry in a row and three tanks whilst playing as a rifleman and i was like "C'MON THEN? WHO WANTS SOME? D:<" and out of nowhere this bomb from a plane landed on me XD it was just so freaking random and i didn't see or hear the plane or anything. and i was standing in the middle of a desert... o.o; but yah really funny stuff happens more often in FPS's... but RA3 is just so random, i've had some GREAT times playing co-op with a friend. we played through the whole soviet campaign over the course of several hours xD whilst on skype x3 so much fun cos you could comment during the videos and have a laugh xD Share this post Link to post
rEdaSbLood 1 Posted November 7, 2008 have yet to enjoy the co-op fully for RA3...maybe ill lend it to a friend who would wanna play. anyways i do prefer FPS online more than RTS, but of course my patience have a threshold for every game. last FPS i played was battlefield bad company and there were two instances where i was spawn killed the entire match. counterstrike has been the most enjoyable somehow. rushing and defending with a microphone is really fun...real cooperation happens.. COD4 was a lot of fun and involved strategy also.. FPS' like CS and COD4 involved strategy at ground level. in a good game you'd have snipers covering fire while you moved in for the kill. although, i do agree REN had awesome strategy through its cooperation. in a good game you'd have vehicles striking on the front lines while others would infiltrate the enemy base and kill the powerplant... havent played Starcraft in years. when i did though it was usually a skirmish, with cheats. the whole two resources was what turned me off. not sure why. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 7, 2008 gawd you think that's bad? xD age of empires and that star wars game that uses the same engine... they use like, four different resource systems. it's not that bad though... you pretty much only need two in each stage of the match (generally currency and some kind of other resource) aaan the second resource kinda changes as you upgrade... occassionally you get a unit that uses 3 or maybe even -4- of the resources o.o; yah as i've complained about many a time before, renegade would be a lot better if there wasn't just a flood of little kids or hackers there :\ same could be said about CS really... they're just more professional on CS. like they'll all use advanced SWAT tactics and kill everyone except one sneaky opponent who's hiding or lost... an they'll like, teabag everyone and yell curses at you over mic an stuff x3; yaaaah i really don't like going on mic with strangers >_> it's normally beyond a bad experience for me... mainly cos i'm so nice, gullible and i talk a LOT when i play games with mics... like, constantly. just yap yap yap xD it is hilarious if you put me in say... BF:2142's zombie mod and i get stuck in a compromising position xD; all you can hear is a constant stream of curse words, screams and "OH JESUS!" repeatedly in an irish accent o.O; which always brings boughts of hysterical laughter to my teammates if they happen to see me running away and jumping like a lunatic trying to avoid the swarm of 30+ guys with knives chasing me xD; but yah xD left 4 dead is gonna be the best. same as BF:2142's zombie mod, only there are bosses, darkness and scareh graphics... but i've already experienced the swarm effect and limited visual range (for my first like, week of zombie gaming i had the visual range set to 88%. scary as all heck in zombie mods but try playing online and you just get horribly slaughtered. so i turned it up a couple of days ago ^^; ) Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 7, 2008 SWGB is a mod you pay for. I hate that game. It sucks. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 11, 2008 i only got it cos it was a star wars RTS xD it was pretty sucky... but simon the killer ewok was still the most epic thing in any star wars game i've seen yet xD but yah, you got a problem with battlefront too? >.> that was pretty much just a mod of battlefield that you had to pay for and that was by far the coolest, most successful and most bought star wars game ever. i don't wanna even hear you try to blam that game >-> Share this post Link to post
BioBen 3 Posted November 11, 2008 I realy need to get that, i haven't played 1 petro game yet Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 11, 2008 EaW was a great SW RTS... Incorrect. EAW was so bad it gave me cancer. Share this post Link to post