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Command & Conquer 4 Caption Contest - 5 Copies to be Won!

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Thanks to our friends at EALA, CNCNZ.com has 5 copies of the brand new Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight to give away. And this contest is extremely to easy to enter. All you have to do is provide a caption for the picture of the GDI soldier that can be seen below. The 5 most funny, most humorous, most creative captions will score a digital download code that will enable you download a copy of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight for free from the EA Store.




Here's how to enter.

  1. Save a copy of the image found at this link: www.cncnz.com/images/news/cncnz_caption_contest.jpg.

  2. Add your caption to the blank area below the picture. Keep it within a C&C theme.
  3. Upload your image to ImageShack or another similar free hosting service.
  4. Make sure your a registered user on the CNCNZ.com Forums so you can submit your entry by replying to this news thread.

It doesn't get any easier than that. Its a simple contest but we do have some rules and conditions.

  • You must not make any changes to the contest image other than adding your caption.
  • You must be a registered user on the CNCNZ.com Forums.
  • The contest is open everyone around the world, staff of CNCNZ.com are not allowed to enter.
  • Only one entry person. Multiple submissions will be ignored.
  • All entries must posted as a reply in this news thread by Wednesday 24th March at 11:59 PM (New Zealand local time). This news thread will close automatically at this time.

So good luck, get creative and think up the most funniest caption for the contest image you can. Remember, humour is the key. Make us laugh and could be playing Command & Conquer 4 later in the coming week.

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Oh god that pic is so easy to make a parody out of it, may the best man win, and please humor me! :D

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Well here is my attempt.



By lk773 at 2010-03-20

Edited by Lord_Kane

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# You must not make any changes to the contest image other than adding your caption.

Awww :(

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I swear that guy looks like Raj Joshi, and so, I shall base my image off that.




And here it is!




Wouldn't let me show it for some reason...

Edited by Sonic

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Here’s my take:




Pretty old joke, but that’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw that picture.


EDIT: And Troopzor…try changing the URL in your post



to this




Edited by jetslandingboard

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Hahahaha yes! :D


So Sonic, you said there are 5 copies, does that mean there are five winners?

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So Sonic, you said there are 5 copies, does that mean there are five winners?

5 download codes to be give so 5 winners.


BTW, I should have mentioned. Only 1 entry per person.


And remember your caption must have a C&C theme to it.

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Glad to see I'm not the only on e who thinks he looks like (or possibly is) Raj Joshi.


Here's my entry, intended to be a homarge to the late and great man, who was discharged shortly after the last BCPT episode.



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5 download codes to be give so 5 winners.


BTW, I should have mentioned. Only 1 entry per person.


And remember your caption must have a C&C theme to it.


Oww, didn't knew that, I'll erase one entry of mine then :P

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I saw this contest on the main page and figured, "why not?" Utilizing the "Demotivational" meme, I present my entry.



Edited by General Aurum

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