Spyda46 1 Posted April 1, 2012 Hi, Could someone help, my skirmish games keep crashing after 1 min of play, heres the debug log Could not find theme file BIGF226M.AUD for BIGF226M. Could not find theme file CRUS226M.AUD for CRUS226M. Could not find theme file FAC1226M.AUD for FAC1226M. Could not find theme file FAC2226M.AUD for FAC2226M. Could not find theme file HELL226M.AUD for HELL226M. Could not find theme file RUN1226M.AUD for RUN1226M. Could not find theme file SMSH226M.AUD for SMSH226M. Could not find theme file TREN226M.AUD for TREN226M. Could not find theme file WORK226M.AUD for WORK226M. Could not find theme file AWAIT.AUD for AWAIT. Could not find theme file DENSE_R.AUD for DENSE_R. Could not find theme file FOGGER1A.AUD for FOGGER1A. Could not find theme file MUD1A.AUD for MUD1A. Could not find theme file RADIO2.AUD for RADIO2. Could not find theme file ROLLOUT.AUD for ROLLOUT. Could not find theme file SNAKE.AUD for SNAKE. Could not find theme file TERMINAT.AUD for TERMINAT. Could not find theme file TWIN.AUD for TWIN. Could not find theme file VECTOR1A.AUD for VECTOR1A. Could not find theme file SCORE.AUD for SCORE. Could not find theme file CREDITS.AUD for CREDITS. Could not find theme file 2ND_HAND.AUD for 2ND_HAND. Could not find theme file ARAZIOD.AUD for ARAZOID. Could not find theme file BACKSTAB.AUD for BACKSTAB. Could not find theme file CHAOS2.AUD for CHAOS2. Could not find theme file SHUT_IT.AUD for SHUT_IT. Could not find theme file TWINMIX1.AUD for TWINMIX1. Could not find theme file UNDER3.AUD for UNDER3. Could not find theme file BOG.AUD for BOG. Could not find theme file FLOAT_V2.AUD for FLOAT_V2. Could not find theme file GLOOM.AUD for GLOOM. Could not find theme file GRNDWIRE.AUD for GRNDWIRE. Could not find theme file RPT.AUD for RPT. Could not find theme file SEARCH.AUD for SEARCH. Could not find theme file TRACTION.AUD for TRACTION. Could not find theme file WASTELND.AUD for WASTELND. Could not find theme file JOURNEY.AUD for JOURNEY. Could not find theme file CRUSHREM.AUD for CRUSHREM. Could not find theme file HELLMREM.AUD for HELLMREM. Could not find theme file MUDREMIX.AUD for MUDREMIX. Could not find theme file RADIO2RX.AUD for RADIO2RX. Could not find theme file WORKMREM.AUD for WORKMREM. Could not find theme file RELDFIRE.AUD for RELDFIRE. [Localization] Language specific scenario additions XXDEATH1.LNG not found. [buildingTypeExt::UpdateGraphics] Make anim SBAGMAKE.SHP for building SBAG could not be found. [buildingTypeExt::UpdateGraphics] Make anim BRIKMAKE.SHP for building BRIK could not be found. [buildingTypeExt::UpdateGraphics] Make anim FENCMAKE.SHP for building FENC could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V20.TEM for techno V20 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V21.TEM for techno V21 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V22.TEM for techno V22 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V23.TEM for techno V23 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V24.TEM for techno V24 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V25.TEM for techno V25 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V26.TEM for techno V26 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V27.TEM for techno V27 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V28.TEM for techno V28 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V29.TEM for techno V29 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V30.TEM for techno V30 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V31.TEM for techno V31 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V32.TEM for techno V32 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V33.TEM for techno V33 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V34.TEM for techno V34 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V35.TEM for techno V35 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V36.TEM for techno V36 could not be found. [TechnoTypeExt::UpdateImage] Image V37.TEM for techno V37 could not be found. Play theme crap -1 ((null) [No theme]). Share this post Link to post
AlexB 8 Posted April 1, 2012 Jhonny: Go to the CnCNet settings and set the exe to syringe.exe and use the parameter "ra95.dat" (with quotes). IIRC the package removed ra95.exe and renamed ra95.dat, so if this does not work, use the parameter "ra95.exe". Spyda46: I need the "except-<date>-<time>.log" file from the same folder. (Please post it to pastebin or a one click hoster, the log would clutter the thread.) The log does not show anything suspicious. The score files are missing, because they aren't included in the package, walls don't have buildup anims and the building images do not exist. Share this post Link to post
Jhonny 2 Posted April 1, 2012 (edited) Succeeded. I set the "Executable" ( exe) to Syringe.exe and in the "Command line arguments" (i think this the parameter) "ra95.dat". But, when i join to someone host, the game is said me: Request denied. Destination game version is outdated. It is also strange because i use the normal 3.03 patch. What's going on here? Edited April 3, 2012 by Jhonny Share this post Link to post
Spyda46 1 Posted April 2, 2012 Alex i have included my debug logs here debug.zip Thanks Share this post Link to post
Spyda46 1 Posted April 2, 2012 Can someone just post there working RA directory with Arda as i am not having much luck getting it to run, i ve tried various different configurations but it always crashes. Ra is freeware now so i cant see it being a problem Thanks ! Share this post Link to post
EchoLocation 1 Posted April 4, 2012 First things first -- this is absolutely incredible. I've been tearing my hair out over attempting to use quick-fixes for the ever-growing incompatibility issues with RA and modern OS', not to mention so many infuriating bugs which would kill a mission/skirmish stone-dead for seemingly no reason. So thanks a hell of a lot for doing this; my interest in RA has hit a new high. The high-resolution options and further tweaking/modding capabiities are just the icing on the cake, because the most important thing to me is that the damn game works again. Now the bad news... I'm still getting crashes. Or rather, one particular crash. I know how to invoke it (destroying Tesla Tanks in Counterstrike missions), I don't know what the technical problem is though. I've attached the Syringe/Debug/Except files along with anything else that might be of help. http://speedy.sh/hPy6m/debug.zip Share this post Link to post
AlexB 8 Posted April 4, 2012 Spyda: Your debug logs do not show anything suspicious. The game is not stopped because of a crash, in which case an except file should be created. Are you using ddraw.dll? I know of some problems ddraw.dll fixes, like freezes. Several logs show not all required files are present in the game folder. Music and at least unit graphic files are missing. Extract all the Red Alert files from the downloadable package into a folder and install Arda into it. This should be enough to make it work. (The crashes are another issue, though.) Hi EchoLocation, thanks! The game tries to create an explosion animation which seems to have an invalid type. Which Counterstrike mission is it, or is it all of them? I'll have to check what causes this. Share this post Link to post
EchoLocation 1 Posted April 4, 2012 It first happened on 'Trapped', and I thought nothing of it at first, so restarted the mission. Same thing happened, again when destroying the Tesla Tank, which is when I figured something was going on. I tested 'Legacy of Tesla' a few times, force-firing on my own Tesla Tanks, and the same crash happened each time, so I assume it's all Counterstrike missions that are affected. Aftermath missions and regular Skirmishes though are unaffected. Something to do with the MRJ being 'reskinned'? I fiddled with the MRJ in the included rules.ini, probably my own messing around causing problems somewhere along the line (Explodes=yes). Share this post Link to post
AlexB 8 Posted April 4, 2012 I thought about Explodes=yes without checking your rules yet. If you added it, it might be the culprit. In the missions it is still the MRJ, it just looks like a TTNK, so the crash should happen in skirmish if you destroy an MRJ also. Share this post Link to post
EchoLocation 1 Posted April 4, 2012 Hmmm, Skirmish generally behaves itself though, and the AI loves building the MRJ now (turned it into a lazy Flame Tank) so countless numbers of them are destroyed without causing problems. Just edited an Aftermath mission to include MRJ's at the start, destroyed these without a crash too. After removing the 'Explodes' attribute, Counterstrike missions no longer crash when destroying MRJ. I have no idea why it only affects the MRJ when reskinned! D: Share this post Link to post
Spyda46 1 Posted April 5, 2012 Extract all the Red Alert files from the downloadable package into a folder and install Arda into it. This should be enough to make it work. (The crashes are another issue, though.) Alex do you mean the redalert1 package from here http://redalert1.com/ ? Thanks Ah finally i can play a skirmish game!! i added ddraw.dll into my game folder (the one i installed direcly from CD with 3.03 patch applied) and it now works !! - Thanks Alex B look forward to the next update :-) really happy you are doing this as Red Alert is one of my favourite games ever! Alex i was wondering if there is a way of having the unlimited unit build times (the increase you have without aftermath installed) with the aftermath exspansion apllied ? - When aftermath is apllied it sets slow unit build times, is there a way of getting rid of this ? Thanks again! Share this post Link to post
EchoLocation 1 Posted April 5, 2012 Alex i was wondering if there is a way of having the unlimited unit build times (the increase you have without aftermath installed) with the aftermath exspansion apllied ? - When aftermath is apllied it sets slow unit build times, is there a way of getting rid of this ? Thanks again! You mean in Skirmishes/LAN/Internet? Uncheck the 'Slow Build' option. As for missions, I have no idea if it takes effect. Share this post Link to post
AlexB 8 Posted April 5, 2012 Spyda46: You're welcome. If you mean the build time bonus gained from three weapons factories, this is hardcoded at the moment, but it should be easily possible to make it a setting. Btw: Hattrick! The Slow Unit Build option only applies to multiplayer games. Share this post Link to post
Spyda46 1 Posted April 6, 2012 You mean in Skirmishes/LAN/Internet? Uncheck the 'Slow Build' option. As for missions, I have no idea if it takes effect. No i don't mean that one, i mean when Aftermath is installed it puts a slow build on Skirmish games regardless of the slow build option being selected, its always slow build with Aftermath. So it would be good to get this removed or like Alex has suggested turn it into an option for on/off Cheers Alex really good stuff this..... Share this post Link to post
Chad1233 0 Posted April 6, 2012 (edited) I said all these things to be a option in earlier posts! I am sure Alex has not forgotten. Edited April 6, 2012 by Chad1233 Share this post Link to post
Xazuki 0 Posted April 6, 2012 (edited) OK, just finished playing through all of Red Alert and the expansions so I figured I'd post the crashes. I've put them into folders in this zip file and they match up to these descriptions here: phase tank load - One of the very many "on load" crashes I had but heres a few examples. In the Lets Make A Steal aftermath mission, loading a save game of that level while in that level caused a crash. main menu load after fail - After failing a mission and going back to the main menu, loading a savegame from that level would cause a crash. load a level from a different level - In this crash loading a level while on a different level caused a crash. There were a ton more crashes that seemed to happen on load basically. nuke convoy crash - Detonating a demo truck in aftermath caused in instant hard crash, with no arda error message. This occured whether attacking the ground, myself, enemy units etc. Playing "without extension" however does not cause the nuke crash. Also, the enemy nuke convoy trucks in the mission "Monster Tank Madness" did NOT cause this crash when they are destroyed. Perhaps they're not normal demo trucks? kill enemy demotruck in volkov rescue - Destroying the enemy demo truck in the mission Deus Ex Machina does cause a crash. A few other observations that didn't directly result in a crash: On the score screen, background is centered but the animated part (the bars and numbers) were aligned top left. Stretching videos also stretches the main menu, but also centers it, so I only get to see the top quarter of the menu when it is enabled. Is it possible to have the menu centering as a toggleable option? Expansion missions seem to always start with the music muted. Can't recall if it was like this originally A weird imprint of the last score screen appears behind the end credits for either side. The being able to detect fake buildings via the hover name tag I mentioned above. I couldn't figure out why aftermath music wasn't playing but then I remembered the first decade version had a problem with that, so I patched to the latest TFD 1.03 rev4 which fixed it. I didn't notice any different crashes from running arda with this patch. There were a few corrupt graphics when I loaded some saves, Here's a pic: And here's a few features I'd like to suggest because I am greedy, ignore completely if they're even remotely annoying to implement: In C&C tiberian dawn, Nyerguds has made it so when building a comm center, the radar is zoomed out by default removing the annoyance I'm sure almost everyone goes through of clickiing the radar to enlarge it. Any possibilty to get this feature for the radar dome? Is it remotely possible to bind the scroll wheel to moving up and down theside bar build list? Hope any of this is useful, let me know if you need any more clarification on anything. xazuki debug logs 6th april.rar Edited April 7, 2012 by Xazuki Share this post Link to post
Nyerguds 100 Posted April 8, 2012 Hey AlexB... I've taken a look at your foundation customizing system, and it's kinda hard to use, in my opinion. I've been converting C&C95's hardcoded data to ini format, and I made a system that seems far easier to use. The only big difference is that it uses a separate list for the foundations. It's a visual system, meaning you literally draw the foundations in text. Taking the repair bay as example, it has a basic '+' shape foundation, and extra refreshed cells in the corners. In your system I would need to sum up all X,Y pairs. In mine, it's just this: ; Repair bay [FIX] GridImpassable=FIX_Shape GridRefresh=FIX_Refresh GridExit=None Dimensions=3x3 ; Foundations for buildings and terrain objects [Grids] 0=FIX_Shape 1=FIX_Refresh [FIX_Shape] 0=-X- 1=XXX 2=-X- [FIX_Refresh] 0=X-X 1=--- 2=X-X The Grids list simply fills a vector with ptrs to a struct of [name string + ptr to actual grid]. The list starts reading from "0=" and goes on until it finds an empty entry. The actual grids are read in the same way, line by line, and for each line it goes over the bytes to find which indexes are 'X' characters. For each found 'X' index, the (line number*wraparound value) is added to it, to correct for multiple lines. As you can see in the refresh grid example, empty lines are filled with - characters to prevent the read system from stopping at that point. After the read, the ptr to that grid is then added into the original struct, after the name, for easy lookup. The full format, and all C&C1 grids for both buildings and trees, are detailed in this file: http://nyerguds.arsa...rules/grids.ini This system doesn't work for grids with negative values, of course. I also have bare comma separated values for that, so your system is definitely still usable for those. But overall, it's probably handy to make them a separate list. This also allows re-using of the same foundation for multiple buildings. By the way, your manual is incomplete. None of your descriptions say how to actually write down the pairs on the ini line. From what I see, it could be any one of these: value=x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3 value=(x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3) value=(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3) value=x1,y1;x2,y2;x3,y3 It's never indicated anywhere. On that note, what is that "PlacementX"? I can't find any indication that anything like that exists. The data for the RA refinery has no such thing; it just has the impassable and refresh grids. Did you create that yourself? By the way, if you want to see the rest of my inis, they're all in that folder: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/inirules/ (Adding music is already possible with this) Share this post Link to post
Nyerguds 100 Posted April 8, 2012 Another note... why don't you remove the requirement of a videos list from the game? Just use an 8-byte string as storage for video names instead of an ID, and it should work. If it's anything like C&C, the brief, win, lose etc. videos are just saved in one central global variable for each, anyway. The only problem with removing the use of a videos list is that savegames only save IDs. But if you just save any new savegames with FE as video IDs (I assume FF is reserved for None), and add a new section at the end with the actual filenames, this should be fixed. When reading savegames, you can then use that FE as indication that that extra part has to be read from the end of the savegame. If it's an older savegame, there's no FE values, it won't try to read the extra piece, and you can just use the original ingame list to look up the actual filenames. The advantage of this is that missions can be distributed with their own briefing videos, and they'll work fine without needing any additional changes. In C&C1, this works perfectly. On a related note, it would make more sense to put minicampaign info into the actual starting mission ini file, so the mission just has to be added to the list once in order for the entire campaign to work. Your system works, but makes it hard to distribute minicampaigns. The only drawback to this is you have to reread the original mission file after finishing the mission. Which doesn't seem that bad to me. Share this post Link to post
Bullet 0 Posted April 8, 2012 Yeah especially the idea with the Mousewheelfunction for the Sidebar from Xazuki. And as you can see on the Screenshot AlexB the game really seem to have problems with drawing when Arda is applied somehow which also can lead to a crash Share this post Link to post
Nyerguds 100 Posted April 8, 2012 Oh hey, Alexb, could you make the Tesla Tanks in Legacy of Tesla look like this? It's a remake of the original beta tesla tank made by Westwood, and it's pretty much exactly a transition between the MRJ shape and the final Tesla Tank. I think it'd fit as "prototype Tesla tank". Actual thread with download is here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1655.msg9469#msg9469 (there's a ttnk and an mrj replacement shp in there. Only difference is the turret positioning) Share this post Link to post
Nyerguds 100 Posted April 8, 2012 Hm, it seems CnC-DDraw's Vhack (to stretch videos to fullscreen) would work perfectly on this, except for 2 details: Videos / map screens / score screens shouldn't be centered. Vhack only resizes stuff that's in the upper left corner. The colour used to fill the main menu and briefing scenes should be true black (colour palette index 0C), not transparent black (index 00). Vhack activates when detecting that pixel #641 on the first row is transparent #00 black. Could you make the centering for 640x400 scenes an option, and make it refresh with colour 0C? Then we can have full-screen videos, map screens and score screens :3 (btw, having true black on index 0C is a general rule obeyed by all RA palettes and PCX files) Share this post Link to post
Terra-jin 0 Posted April 10, 2012 Greetings AlexB, It's great to play Red Alert with high resolutions nice work tweaking the game so far. If it's testing you need, I'll keep my eye open for anything that might happen while playing. So far, it's worked fine If I understand correctly, you've enabled the creation of new weapon types. Is it also possible to create entirely new units / structure types? Best regards, Terra-jin Share this post Link to post
dodgevipergts 0 Posted April 11, 2012 (edited) not really found any problems with it yet i suppose if you pushed it would be nice to have wall show grid of where it's going to go and what other wall it's going to attech but that aside alls good Edited April 11, 2012 by dodgevipergts Share this post Link to post
Nyerguds 100 Posted April 11, 2012 If I understand correctly, you've enabled the creation of new weapon types. Is it also possible to create entirely new units / structure types? Well, I managed to add more units in C&C95, so it should be possible in RA95 too. I'm guessing the actual problem with adding them is probably the so-called "100 units bug". It's a bug first noticed in TS, which occurs when exceeding index 99 when adding additional units into rules.ini. It makes the AI build tons of the 'overflow' units without any real reason, without ever stopping unless it runs out of money. In TS, as I said, this bug appears only after exceeding 100 units, but since C&C1 was never made to have more units added, the bug appeared in it from the moment even a single new unit is added. Since the bug was present in both in C&C1 and TS, I guess it's safe to assume RA has the same problem. I found and fixed the code in C&C95 (well, not really fixed, just increased the maximum from 22 to 100), but didn't find anything similar to the C&C95 code in RA95's exe. I know the bug was community-patched in either RA2 or TS (not sure which), so someone should have some idea what the code looks in RA95's engine. Share this post Link to post