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Battlefield 4 System Requirements

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Here's what you need if you want to run the PC version of Battlefield 4 in all of it's glory.....




DICE has confirmed the minimum and recommended specs for upcoming shooter Battlefield 4.


You need at least 4GB of RAM and 512MB of graphics memory to run the game. DICE recommends you have 8GB of RAM and 3GB of graphics memory.


Minimum quality graphics cards are the AMD Radeon HD 3870 or the NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GT, but DICE recommends you have the HD 7870 or the GTX 660.


DICE also recommends you run Windows 8 64-bit, but BF4 will go as low as Windows Vista SP2 32-bit.


There's more detail in the image. Battlefield 4 goes on sale on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 1st November 2013.



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Uhhh... Martians, can we borrow some of your technology for a little bit?

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3GB Graphics memory?! Daaaaayyuuum.

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...and I'll bet the C&C F2P system requirements could be way more than that (except for the hard drive space).


3GB VRAM recommended? That's not enough; it should be 4-6 GB recommended.


A six-core AMD CPU recommended? An eight-core CPU @ 5 ghz should do it. :P

Edited by zocom7

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...and I'll bet the C&C F2P system requirements could be way more than that (except for the hard drive space).

I doubt it. They want accessibility with that game, especially since it is a F2P game.

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...and I'll bet the C&C F2P system requirements could be way more than that (except for the hard drive space).


That would be a huge mistake on Victory Game's part.

F2P games need to be accessible, thus the minimum requirements should be fairly low.


Anyway, my PC will melt just trying to read the BattleField 4 disc for installation so I think I'll pass on the PC version until I replace this hunk-of-junk. Everything else is okay besides the damn graphics card, ah well.

Edited by CyborgBanana

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...and I'll bet the C&C F2P system requirements could be way more than that (except for the hard drive space).

Actually, it will with time. Take a glance at Banshee's CommandCOM report on PPM, you'll see that he mentions how the game will be upgraded to any new Frosbite engine as they are released.

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Strange when 32-bit Windows OS can't fully make use of 4GB of RAM.. I'm fairly sure it'll still run fine (subjective and MP is out of the question) with only 2GB RAM (provided enough memory is allocated for the game)..


Wouldn't be surprised if CnC F2P would have the same or similar minimum requirements..

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Guest Stevie_K

I meet the requirements except for the 3GB Graphics Memory. That's a high standard to set. I have a GTX680 though, so I should be fine.

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