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Cygnus X-1

Pic of the Day

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pshaw. The gun is accurately drawn, but still looks fake. They took the pic and drew the gun in

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B-Wings are friggin' awesome dude... haha, that same picture is on the cover of a Star Wars book I had years ago. It was about Rebel technology and stuff like that.... fun times :wink:

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Ya, I know it's the picture that made the thing famous. Too bad they aren't featured in Return of the Jedi much. If I had a B-Wing I would....I dunno. Fly around? Blow up the moon? Stuff like that. Maybe I'd destroy Phobes or Demos. Mars needs to have -real- moons. :lol: :lol:

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lol... :haha: We are a little more complex than that... ;)

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Are we? :? :P

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Damn straight we are.


Like, for example, when a girl tears out your heart and completly obliterates it.


There's a hint for the slow. :roll:

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i think they forgot out the "random electrical gadgets" part... unless that comes under the tv/remote bit o.o; *shrugs* i know for a fact a lot of guys i know like to cook... and some have emotions XD!

But is the crotch scanning area really that big? or does that picture only apply to "man's-man" super macho types?

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:roll: I disapear for 3 days, and look what comes up.


Back to business




since some of us are on an SW pic-posting spree




some Soviet piltos going through a crash course on Allied AA defenses

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C'mon people, no cool images?




The Jedi Temple burns!




A Sith Lord rises to power...


Too cool to post small (sorry Sonic)

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second one's good... they should have picked a better picture of Sidious for the first poster though. He kinda looks like something out of a 50's B-movie from that angle :

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or like he does in ROTJ


POSt PICS!!!!!




now that, is cool




so is that

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Here's mine, beware if you're eating something





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Penny Arcade..what a riot... :lol:



Maybe this would make for a cool Zippo design?



Evil....absolutly evil! :twisted::twisted: :lol:

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Toliet humor J-Fire_Man? How low... :D


I like that new chopper weapon! :):D

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If you liked the previous chopper weapon then you might also like this one. :P:twisted:


This might happen to those who try cheating and hacking in -my- games of YR. This idiot thought that with all the Lasher tanks he had (at first, I stole 'em all :twisted: ), he would be able to crush me. Throughout the entire match he was calling me 'noob' and 'fag'. He forgot a little something...I believe it was called..hrm...AIR DEFENCE?!


:roll: Even with my Discs killing power to his base, he still didn't even try to build any Gattling Tanks. HE ASKED ME TO MOVE THEM!! :roll: My god. So, this is what I do:






Believing to be the better Yuri commander, he somehow didn't take much advantage of the Secret Labs. All starting postitions have two each on this map. Which explains why I chose Demolition Trucks to be the most humiliating way for him to go. I didn't even have to use ground forces to mop up! My discs would've done that, had he not spammed me with 'fag' messages and quitting.


Nobody who uses an infinite money crack/hack and invests in hundreds of those bloody Lasher tanks is better than me. Not at all. I think the pictures prove it. :roll: :twisted:

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1) life would be so much more fun if we had various weapons like those choppers... i mean every day life would be like Worms XD!

2) isn't that floating disc pic (the first one) the one i used in your port? oO

3) Penny Arcade rules. and at more then one ocassion i've had the "what size pants talk?" with my mom. i then refuse to try them on and just buy whatever looks closest (being a tiny person i'm almost positive any clothes are huge on me. an i got a lot of belts so meh)


What's the big "zippo" logo from? (sword, axes, skulls blueness... that pic)

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Toliet humor J-Fire_Man? How low... :D

Meh.....I'm not good at jokin


SHow me yours and make me laugh.

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Hehe, no Mina, that picture I sent you was of me playing a Brutal Soviet AI Player. And the "Zippo" logo thingy? It's the Undead symbol from Warcraft 3.


I know what size pants I am. I don't like having those kinds of conversations. I mean, what the hell do you say to that?!


Worms is teh pwnage. I especially love gathering all the worms into one area..and using a Holy Hand Grenade.


BANG!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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