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The orca

Opinion on the Orca  

21 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Ugly, change it
    • Its fine
    • Could be better, but whatever

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Hmm... frankly I'm not THAT crazy about the orca, but still, it's not horrible. I kinda like it. The concepts are interesting (except for the hideous 2 on the left side), but seem far too "futuristic".

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It could be better, and Nod's Venom scout somehow seems more "Orca" than the Orca itself, but whatever...

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i dont really like any of those concepts in that pic as the ORCA. The left two look nothing like an ORCA and the others look more like a futuristic strike fighter

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They look very blocky. I like more smooth streamlined aircraft. ;)

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im prtty sure the ones on the right are the fighters and the ones on the left are the Orca Bombers they look good

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the two on the right dont really look like aircraft that are designed to spend most of their time hovering though

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correct me if I'm wrong - but the two right pictures are of the same orca, just different angles and sketch technique...


The left one seems overengineered - huge supporting body (engines etc.) and tiny fighter capability area. Especially the top left - that one looks like they have taken a small ship and added a big frame to it.


I agree that the right one looks more like a fighter plan than anything else.


What ever happened to the rotating hover blades of the orca? These seem to "plane" like...

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I absolutely LOVE the Renegade/TD Orca, and I am only holding it in hope that the mysterious "Scout" variant of GDI's Orca will more resemble the classic. I kind of hated the TS Orcas, and the new Orca Gunship has it's charm, but it's not as good.

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I absolutely LOVE the Renegade/TD Orca, and I am only holding it in hope that the mysterious "Scout" variant of GDI's Orca will more resemble the classic. I kind of hated the TS Orcas, and the new Orca Gunship has it's charm, but it's not as good.


I totally agree bud,


The art direction for GDI in Tiberium Wars feels far too chunky. The new Orca design doesn't look at all like the creature that it gets its name from, if they're going to keep this design they should change the name.

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C'mon. What do you people have against Orcas? They fly and blow up stuff. What more do you want?

Edited by Renamon

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The new Orca design doesn't look at all like the creature that it gets its name from, if they're going to keep this design they should change the name.


And while they're at it, why not change the names of the wolverine, Tic tank, scorpion tank & dragon tank because they certainly don't look like the creature's their names are derived from too :roll:


C'mon. What do you people have against Orcas? They fly and blow

up stuff. What more do you want?


Oh, anything can fly and blow up stuff. The Orca, however, does it with such beauty.






Nod rocket soldier: It's so beautiful ... look at it ... *stares*




Nod rocket soldier: Like a gun-weilding angel in the sky ...


Nod flamesoldier: LOOK! IT'S OPENING GUNFIRE ON THE MINIGUNNERS! 2 ... 4 ... 7 DEAD! OH GOD, IT'S SHOOTING AT US, IT'S-- *is ravaged by bullets, explodes*


Nod rocket soldier (while getting shot to pieces, hasn't even drawn rocket launcher): IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL ... *eyes tear*

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Ok No. Its not that pretty. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, 1 being the worst.


In terms of beauty I'd rate it at a 7.5.


Now the Blackbird, SR71 now that is a beautiful plane. :nod:

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and the XB-70 Valkyrie




I like the Renegade orca the best out of all, but the new one's ok...I guess

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