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I'm still playing....






Though to be fair I think I've done most things by now. I've done the main quest, and the civil war quest, a **** load of side missions and misc quests and most of the guild quests. With exception to hte Dark Brotherhood haven't even talked to those guys yet, or well know how to start it yet... And I've explored vast areas of Skyrim, though everything in the southwest is still a big mystery... Damn game is to big for its own good... That and I'm not replaying it with another character, so its kinda kills replay value in that light. :P

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That's what I thought in Oblivion. I played through about 95% of the possible quests and had my character only a couple levels from the max. It started to get boring and I thought, I should make a new character, but there is no way I want to do all that over again.


Then I got a new computer and installed Oblivion along with everything else, but didn't feel like transferring over my saves, so I decided to start that new character. To my surprise, the game actually was still fun a second time around.

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I'm in Riften pimping my new house!


I'll be playing BF3 when return to Karklaqnd or whatever its called cames out next week. :)

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Played some Homefront again last night. It was more surreal this time around, but then again, I had it on a much higher resolution and I was wearing headphones. The immersion was second to none. Might play it again tonight.

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Finally reinstalled Steam and then got Half-Life 2, Ep1 and Ep2 to actually install from my Orange Box discs rather than download it all from Steam. Still had to download all the updates though which seem to take all afternoon.


Steam is still ****.... I hate Steam.... I hate PC gaming now :mad: But Half-Life 2 is still damn cool after all these years.


Come on Valve give us Half-Life 3 already!! So many unanswered questions.

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Steam is still ****.... I hate Steam.... I hate PC gaming now :mad: But Half-Life 2 is still damn cool after all these years.

Only Valve and Team17 games and SS3 use Steam as a must. There are ways to bypass Steam :rolleyes:

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Why the hell would you want to bypass Steam? It is the most awesome thing ever.

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Steam is alright provided you have a reliable internet connection, otherwise its as useful as a pair of tits on a bull. :)

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Very true indeed, my good sir.

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There are ways to bypass Steam :rolleyes:


I know there are ways, but they are no allowed to be discussed on these forums.


Steam is alright provided you have a reliable internet connection, otherwise its as useful as a pair of tits on a bull. :)

My internet connection is rock solid reliable, I can download large files from any locations all over the internet and get high speeds, yet Steam gives the crappiest downloads rates.


Anyway once I'm done playing through Half-Life 2, Ep1 and Ep2 they will be uninstalled and Steam will be removed along with it.

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I know there are ways, but they are no allowed to be discussed on these forums.

Hey, just trying to give you a hand...


My internet connection is rock solid reliable, I can download large files from any locations all over the internet and get high speeds, yet Steam gives the crappiest downloads rates.

Ah, the ever-present "pay me and I'll let you download the entire Internet in 10s" policy...

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Ah, the ever-present "pay me and I'll let you download the entire Internet in 10s" policy...


I have no idea what that even means or how it seem relevant to Steam download speeds.

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Playing Batman: Arkham City! So awesome! Yay! The sequences are really smooth. If you have not tried this, you are missing out ALOT! Nvidia graphics card users, do make use of the awesomeness of PhysX!!!

Edited by Malevolence

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Completed Battlefield: Bad Company 2, single-player campaign in particular, pretty nice campaign and after playing it, I was fascinated and marvel the work from DICE to see how they utilized their FROSTBITE 1 engine back then and compare to how things have evolved right now in Battlefield 3.

Hope to see Bad Company 3 (in PC) in the near future!

Btw are the storylines in these entire Battlefield franchise linked or spinoffs? Any Battlefield fans mind enlightening me?

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Guest Stevie_K

Just bought the ID Software Complete Pack on steam for 44.99€

The next month or more is going to be spend on playing RAGE, Doom 3, Quake 4, and all the oldies. When I have the time to sit down and play that is.

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Half-Life 1 and some Kane's Wrath with Gamebooster.

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Oh yeah I keep forgetting to post... I'm playing Red Alert 3 on the iPad2.

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Hey, is that EotRS expansion just a rumour or was it really released?

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Haven't had much time for gaming lately with a girlfriend and all, but I worked in some Shockwave last night. YEEHAW.

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You mean a member of the opposite sex? But you're meant to be a gay! :o

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