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Five New RA3 Screen Shots - Featuring the New Apocalypse Tank

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IGN have posted five new Red Alert 3 screen shots. You will want to check these screen shots because they feature the new and improved (and redesigned) Apocalypse Tank. Yes EA have in fact been listening to you guys and gone ahead made the Apocalypse Tank bigger and more intimidating. Anyway, all five screens shots are available below.


thumb_screen39.jpg thumb_screen40.jpg thumb_screen41.jpg thumb_screen42.jpg thumb_screen43.jpg

Take a look at our massive Red Alert 3 gallery for all the currently released screen shots and art.


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The Apocalypse Tank appears to have four treads now, but does it have any missile pods?

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I don't still like Apocalypse Tank's look. And I don't like new graphics... :S

Edited by Jarzka

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Apoc tank looks much better now, but gun barrels maybe are oversized in diameter at end.

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I said it once and I'll say it again: I don't like the new look of the Apocalypse Tank.

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Aw, people, people, let's have some positivity here! Notice the moody colours! The detailed and varied levels! The sweet architecture! And the chill-factor of those island pics! etc.


New Apoc tank looks a lot better. May look like a toy, but fits the design sheme (Light hearted cartoon) very well. Also, it's a lot heavier and more menacing as the last one, not so bulbous and weird. When I see these pictures I think of fun, action and diversity.

Edited by hagren

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i like the Apoc tank. and the theme isn't necessarily a cartoonish one, its suppose to resemble the soviet HIND- a design choice which i happen to like.


and no it doesn'e have another tread, thats some sort of grinder most likely used to crush infantry.


red alert isn't supposed to be as gloomy and sinister as the tib universe is...i like what they are doing alot so far...

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Although I never really got a good look at the old APOC tank, I really like this one with it's oversized barrels.

Big thumbs up from me.


But "Can I get a Witness?", a "hoot" or a "woot" or something for screen 43 (the last one) of the Allied Strike Stratofighter warping off screen vertically!?!?

That is sooo sweet! That deserves a spot on the desktop.


Thank you EA for listening, and improving the APOC.


(Although now I hate the amphib mode of the tesla boat!)

Hee hee - you just can't win!


After wandering aimlessly past PCNC, I discovered this image.



How can you not love the all new and improved APOC?

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You didn't need to look far..... CNCNZ.com main page, right above the news in the slideshow.




(GBen, I merged your two back to back posts)

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i liked the idea that the tesla boat turned into a walker, but not a six-legged one... :lol: stilll cool heheh

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Aaah... nup missed the front page (went straight to forums).


There's just something not right about two disproportionately large, albeit, limp male reproductive organs - used as weapons of mass destruction... (shakes head).

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totally better the current APOC tank than the previous one that looked like an insect with huge tentacles :P :lol:


but now we have to dislike the tesl boat ground mode! :mellow:

its not nice at all with those 6 legs, and so unrealistc.

i prefer a scorpion tank like system to walk. 2infron one back....oh i forgot the allied main tank has this type of weels....hmm i dont know i am confused right know,


for sure i dont like this 6legs, and i like the new apoc, its second ability will have to do something with this tanks in the back...but what?

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With any luck they will release the the concept art of the new Apoc Tank soon. It looked really cool when we saw it at the summit.

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