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Funny Quotes

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"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail."


"Open-minded people must accept the possibility that being closed-minded is better. Close-minded people can take comfort in knowing that they are right."


"Whether or not life is discovered there, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet." :P

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is that last one a Luk2as original? :wink:


"The long and short of it is...well damnit, how should I know?"


-random quote

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"Objection: Worn out?! Listen you talentless organic meatbag! One word from my master and I will pull you apart limb from useless limb!" - HK-47


I loved it when HK said that! I laughed my a$$ off :D! I also laughed when I heard this:


"You know what's the problem with the youth these days?! They're young!" - Jolee Bindo


I only wished I couldn't tell him something like "well... no sh*t old man!" ha ha :D

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Monopoly. Everyone has it. NOBODY likes it. Even if you think you like it, you don't. It's easy why...cause this is everyone here after two and a half hours into a game- (WHOOSH) **** this game! It's four in the morning Grandma! YOU WIN!! I'm sitting on Baltic with crap! I'm paying luxury tax out the ass!! And I hate it when you're the banker--where'd you get those pink fifties you cheating whore?! Don't ****in' touch me grandpa, NANA is a cheating WHORE!! And I should cut your head off with this little doggy."


"It's that same vibe you get with any auto mechanic you ever dealt with. Even though you're listening and noding in your head you're like "this guy is ****ing me big time". You just belive whatever they say. They're like "Yeah, uh, we had to replace the roof on your car it was peeling back it resented the rest of your car so we replaced that. Also there was a tiny unicorn in your exhaust and he was jumping and poking holes in your exhaust and he was ****ting in your filters as well. So we had to get that out of there." Wow thank you very much. I did not know that there was a tiny mythological creature jumping around in there. Thats very dangerous. ****ting in filters? No way. Especially with a road trip coming up thats very dangerous. ****ting in filters. That little Son of a B. Wow, wow. Thank you. How much is that gonna-seven thousand? Wow. I was gonna suggest, I'd love to pay for seven thousandish. I'd love to pay for that. Thank you for not ****ing me big time."


Then get this, man. I’m driving along. I’m driving, as I’m driving, I’m driving safely. I’m obeying the rules, of the road. Whatever sign comes at me I look at it and I go OK! You got it sign! Right, so I’m driving safely - all of a sudden a guy in another lane completely oblivious to me he starts coming into my lane, just COMMMIN' IINNN! And if I didn’t see him coming in, accident, but because I saw him uh, I see hey! Alright I see I assess the situation, I see I assess the situation. Then I eased on the brakes, I eased as he coming, I eased and I said what anybody here says automatically when this is happening you can’t help it, it just comes out ready? Ready? Um, Hello? Um, Hi? Hello? Unless you're black, if you're black it’s a little different, if you're black it’s "checkoutthismother****er! Check-out-this-mother-****er!" If you're Asian it's more like "SCREEEEEECHbkpssshhhh"

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Good stuff... Dane Cook is quite funny.

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"You could die anytime. Why, tomorrow you might wake up dead! Good night son." - Homer J. Simpson

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Monopoly. Everyone has it. NOBODY likes it. Even if you think you like it, you don't. It's easy why...cause this is everyone here after two and a half hours into a game- (WHOOSH) **** this game! It's four in the morning Grandma! YOU WIN!! I'm sitting on Baltic with crap! I'm paying luxury tax out the ass!! And I hate it when you're the banker--where'd you get those pink fifties you cheating whore?! Don't ******' touch me grandpa, NANA is a cheating WHORE!! And I should cut your head off with this little doggy."


"It's that same vibe you get with any auto mechanic you ever dealt with. Even though you're listening and noding in your head you're like "this guy is ****ing me big time". You just belive whatever they say. They're like "Yeah, uh, we had to replace the roof on your car it was peeling back it resented the rest of your car so we replaced that. Also there was a tiny unicorn in your exhaust and he was jumping and poking holes in your exhaust and he was ****ting in your filters as well. So we had to get that out of there." Wow thank you very much. I did not know that there was a tiny mythological creature jumping around in there. Thats very dangerous. ****ting in filters? No way. Especially with a road trip coming up thats very dangerous. ****ting in filters. That little Son of a B. Wow, wow. Thank you. How much is that gonna-seven thousand? Wow. I was gonna suggest, I'd love to pay for seven thousandish. I'd love to pay for that. Thank you for not ****ing me big time."


Then get this, man. I’m driving along. I’m driving, as I’m driving, I’m driving safely. I’m obeying the rules, of the road. Whatever sign comes at me I look at it and I go OK! You got it sign! Right, so I’m driving safely - all of a sudden a guy in another lane completely oblivious to me he starts coming into my lane, just COMMMIN' IINNN! And if I didn’t see him coming in, accident, but because I saw him uh, I see hey! Alright I see I assess the situation, I see I assess the situation. Then I eased on the brakes, I eased as he coming, I eased and I said what anybody here says automatically when this is happening you can’t help it, it just comes out ready? Ready? Um, Hello? Um, Hi? Hello? Unless you're black, if you're black it’s a little different, if you're black it’s "checkoutthismother****er! Check-out-this-mother-******!" If you're Asian it's more like "SCREEEEEECHbkpssshhhh"

:haha: :haha: :haha:

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Guest Auronguardian
"I was in a casino, minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, 'You're gonna have to move. You're blocking a fire exit.' As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you're a table."


"A hippopotumus is just a really cool opotumus."


"Fettuccine alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults."


"When you go to a restaurant on the weekends and it's busy they start a waiting list. They start calling out names, they say "Dufrane, party of two. Dufrane, party of two." And if no one answers they'll say their name again. "Dufrane, party of two, Dufrane, party of two." But then if no one answers they'll just go right on to the next name. "Bush, party of three." Yeah, but what happened to the Dufranes? No one seems to give a ****. Who can eat at a time like this - people are missing. You ****ers are selfish... the Dufranes are in someone's trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths. And they're hungry! That's a double whammy. We need help. Bush, search party of three! You can eat when you find the Dufranes. "

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"Problem? I have no drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall over. No problem!" - somebody

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"I believe democracy is our greatest export. At least until China figures out a way to stamp it out of plastic for three cents a unit." - Stephen Colbert.


“That's where the truth lies, right down here in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up. I know some of you are going to say 'I did look it up, and that's not true.' That's 'cause you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut. I did. My gut tells me that's how our nervous system works.” - Stephen Colbert.


"Mayor Nagin is here from New Orleans, the chocolate city... Mayor Nagin, I'd like to welcome you to Washington D.C., the chocolate city with a marshmallow center, and a graham cracker crust of corruption. It's a Mallomar I guess is what I'm describing." - Stephen Colbert.


"I believe all God's creatures have a soul...except bears. Bears are godless killing machines!" - Stephen Colbert


"Bears pounced on one of our nation's biggest corporations like happy Germans on Poland." - Stephen Colbert


"You're the folks who say 'Something's. Got. To be done. Well, you're doing something right now: You're. Watching. T.V." - Stephen Colbert

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I hate this place. I really do. I'm in a hostile enviorement, I am completely unprepaired, and I'm near people who probably wanna kick my ass, it's like being back in high school!


Thank god I didn't ask him to park the car


We got a guy with things coming out of his hand. We got another guy who freezes stuff and then there's a man who, as far as I can tell, is made out of electricity. I mean, how did he dissapear like that, what is going on here who is this guy?!

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Johnny Cage being the guy from Mortal Combat?

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Remember tolerance is important, we should respect other religions and their stupid gods.

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Useless act deemed necessary by our great nation's government: Swabbing the death row inmate's arm with alcohol just before the lethal injection.


This can be applied everywhere. :P


The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?


If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.

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"I hate Moonkin form."

"What? Why?! Moonkin's great!"

"Nooo, they's big, they're ugly and they probably smell."


-Me, discussing one of the Druid's forms, Moonkin, with a guildie.




- random Dwarf Paladin, whilst running through Orgrimmar earlier today. 'Bur' is Common (The Alliance's main language) for 'lol' to us Hordies. In comparison, 'Kek' is what the Alliance sees when us Hordies scream 'lol' in Orcish (The Horde's main language) whilst running through Ironforge or Stormwind.


"Wut is arr-pee?"


- Common question asked by ****wits who can't spell or have no respect for Roleplayers on our server. Our server is RP-PVP (Roleplay Player versus Player).


"Aes, you -are- the Terror of Chillwind Camp"


- Fellow guildie commenting on the fact that I have no problems stealthing into Chillwind Camp to kill an Alliance player. I do this often when bored.

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Guest Auronguardian


- random Dwarf Paladin, whilst running through Orgrimmar earlier today. 'Bur' is Common (The Alliance's main language) for 'lol' to us Hordies. In comparison, 'Kek' is what the Alliance sees when us Hordies scream 'lol' in Orcish (The Horde's main language) whilst running through Ironforge or Stormwind.



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Horde scum? Hah, well, at least we don't have a bunch of bubble-hearthing Fancylads on Horde side.


And, at least we won't ever have bubble-hearthing fancylads come expansion time (as they took the ability to use the Hearthstone out last patch).


Horde > Alliance. End of story mate. Yo u Lo se.

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"That was....that was.....quite simply, I dont know what that was, unless it happened to be green and was spelled J E LL O" - some random person on TV at lunch today

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